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Vastīrṇajanasaṃbhogyaḥ kujad dhaṃ sālimekhalaīḥ | taraḍagavasanāḥ kāntāṃ pulinarjaghaṇariva ||13|| lolohimihastaniṛdhūtapakṣimālākalasvanāḥ | kimapyālapituṃ yatna tanvantī vā taṭadumaiḥ ||132|| kṣatī nyabhadantānāṃ "rodhojavana vatīnīḥ | ruṇḍhatīmabbhibhītyeva lasamiduka lakaḥ ||133|| romarājīmiva nīlāṃ vanarājī vivṛṇvatīm | 'tiṣṭhamānāmiva āvartavyaktanābhimudanyate ||134|| vilolavīcisan ṭvaṭṭād utthitāṃ patagāvaliṃ | patākāmiva bibhrāṇāṃ labdhāṃ sarvāpagājayāt ||13|| samāsami nām paryāptapayasaṃ dhīraniḥsvanām | jagatāṃ pāvanīṃ mānyāṃ hasantīṃ gomatallikām ||136|| gurupravāha prasṛtāṃ tīrthakāmarupāsitām | gambhīraśabdasambhūti jaīnī śrutimiva amalam ||137||
Just as the fame of the Jinas reached the ocean, so too did the Ganga River flow to the ocean. Just as the flow of their fame was pure, so too was the flow of the Ganga River pure. And just as their fame was destined to last until the end of time, so too was the Ganga River destined to last until the end of time. Or, the Ganga River, which resembled a woman, whose eyes were the fish, whose eyebrows were the rising waves, and whose saree was the line of trees on both banks. She was adorned with beautiful banks, like the youthful parts of women, and her banks were very large. The garland of swans, making sounds, was her necklace, and the waves were her clothes. - She seemed to be trying to converse with the trees on the bank, with the beautiful sounds of the flock of birds, carried away by the hands of the fickle waves. - She seemed to be covering the wounds of the wild elephants on the buttocks of the bank, with the shining clothes of the waves, out of fear of her husband, the ocean. - She seemed to be showing her pubic hair and navel to her husband, the ocean, like a woman, with the whirlpools that were revealed and clearly visible by the green forest ranges on both sides. - She was carrying the line of birds that flew up from the gathering of the fickle waves, and it seemed as if she was carrying the victorious flag obtained by conquering all the rivers. - She seemed like a good cow, laughing, because just as a good cow is *samāsami nā* (gives birth every year), so too was the river full of *samāsami nā* (abundant fish). Just as a good cow has *paryāptapayasa* (abundant milk), so too did the river have *paryāptapayasa* (abundant water). Just as a good cow makes a deep sound, so too did she make a deep gurgling sound. Just as a good cow is the purifier of the world, so too was she the purifier of the world. And just as a good cow is worthy of worship, so too was she worthy of worship. Or, she seemed like the Jain scriptures, because just as the Jain scriptures are spread by the *gurupravāha* (lineage of