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The Mahapurana is a gem, and its architect, Bhadramuka, was skilled in the art of building, known for constructing numerous palaces. ||177|| A great elephant, Shailodana, was majestic, with a mighty roar, born of the mountains, white in color, and named Vijayaparvata. ||178|| Pavananjay, a horse that conquered the speed of the wind, playfully crossed the middle of the Vijayardha cave. ||179|| As previously mentioned, the jewel among women, Rudhanamika, was sweet by nature, pleasing to the heart, and like a divine elixir. ||180|| These divine jewels belonged to the emperor, protected by the gods, and unassailable by enemies. ||181|| The emperor had twelve drums named Anandinyo, their sound like the roar of the ocean, filling twelve yojanas with their resonance. ||182|| He also had twelve drums named Vijayaghoṣa, their sound resonating with joy, played by the grihakekis, those with loud voices. ||183|| There were twenty-four conch shells named Gambhiravarta, their sound deep and resonant, born from the auspicious ocean. ||184|| The emperor had bracelets named Viraangada, made of jewels, encircling his wrists, their brilliance like lightning. ||185|| He had forty-eight crore flags, their ends fluttering in the wind, sweeping the sky like a broom. ||186|| The emperor had a divine food named Mahakalyana, which, when consumed, filled his body, blessed with auspiciousness, with satisfaction, strength, and nourishment. ||187|| He had food named Amritagarbha, filled with the essence of nectar, delicious, fragrant, and impossible to digest by any other, being extremely potent. ||188|| He had a drink named Amrita, made from the essence of nectar, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink named Amritakalpa, sweet and refined, a divine elixir. ||189|| He had a drink