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The earth, raised by the hooves of horses, was covered in dust, obscuring the sky. The celestial nymphs were momentarily blinded by it. ||22|| The dust, like a dark cloud, enveloped all directions and obscured the sky. The light of the Chakra Ratna was the only thing that allowed humans to see their surroundings. ||23|| The kings were filled with a fierce warrior spirit, their conversations echoing with the excitement of battle. ||24|| King Bahubali, standing on the battlefield, was ready for war. Meanwhile, King Bharat, a lion among men, was approaching, unrestrained and fearless. ||25|| Will these two brothers be able to find peace? This war is unlikely to bring peace to their followers. ||26|| This war, initiated by King Bharat, is ill-conceived. Those who are intoxicated by power are often reckless and self-willed. ||27|| Can these crowned kings, who have come with all their armies, not stop this war? ||28|| This prince, Bahubali, is a mighty warrior. Even when the Chakra-bearer is enraged, he stands firm in the face of battle. ||29|| Victory does not come from mere strength in numbers. A single lion can conquer a whole herd of elephants. ||30|| King Bharat, who is protected by thousands of gods, is no ordinary man. He is the one who holds the Chakra. ||31|| It would be better if this war, which will cause the destruction of many, does not happen. If the gods are present, let them bring peace. ||32|| Some people spoke words of peace and mediation. Others, blinded by their own interests, spoke in favor of their own side. ||33||