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## Thirty-First Chapter
Then, the army of the Emperor, like a surging ocean, moved forward, propelled by the powerful wind of the messenger's words, blocking both the sky and the earth. ||1||
At that time, the great war drums, announcing the battle, resonated with a deep sound, causing the celestial beings, armed with swords, to tremble in fear. ||2||
The Emperor's forces were divided into distinct divisions: the infantry in the front, followed by the cavalry, and then the elephants, further behind. ||3||
On both sides of the army, chariots were deployed, while celestial beings and gods moved in front, behind, and above. ||4||
Equipped with all six types of military forces, the King of the Bharatas, driven by his desire to conquer his younger brother, set out with his army. ||5||
The mighty elephants, adorned with victory flags, marched in a massive formation, resembling a mountain range with its branches. ||6||
The Emperor Bharat, accompanied by these elephants, whose bodies were drenched in the spray of their flowing rutting juice, and who had blocked all directions, resembled a mountain with its waterfalls. ||7||
These elephants, adorned with ornaments and towering in height, bearing victory flags, moved like mountains enveloped in the dense heat of the evening sun. ||8||
These elephants, fully equipped and bearing victory flags, marched like mountain ranges, showcasing their strength to the King of the Bharatas. ||9||
The warriors, seated on the backs of these elephants, who were adorned with brilliant and heroic attire, and who held their goads in their hands, appeared as if they were all gathered in one place. ||10||