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Victory to the tree of Ashoka, the Dundubhi, the shower of flowers, the Chamara, the excellent throne, the incomparable words, the high umbrella and the Bhamandala. These eight are the signs of victory over the three worlds. He is the well-wisher of all, the glorious Vrishabhanatha Jinendra, may he always be victorious! || 244 || Victory to him whose lotus-like feet destroy the pain of birth, who bestows great fruits like heaven and liberation, whose bumblebees are the Indras who bow down from afar, and who satisfies those who seek refuge like a Kalpavriksha. Such is the Tirthankara, may he always be victorious and protect you all with his vast glory! || 245 || O best of men, even the great king Bharata cannot compare to your two arms, which are like the bars of a gate. And what of strength of arms? When you approach the battlefield, who is the king who can stand before you, even at the mere sight of you? || 246 || Therefore, O ruler, it is useless to waste time in sleep. Abandon sleep, be ever vigilant in this great task. Quickly obtain victory-goddess Lakshmi and then, to gain victory everywhere, offer your devotion again to the Lord of Lords, the Jinendra, the ruler of all. || 247 || Thus, with auspicious words, well-composed and many, he was awakened to victory. The king, like a celestial elephant, slowly rose from his bed, abandoning sleep, like a celestial elephant rising from the banks of the Ganga. || 248 ||