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## Chapter Thirty-Five
187. The sun, clinging to the peak of the Karagiri mountain, seemed to be looking down for a moment. Fearing a fall, the rays, like arms, sought support. ||154||
The sun, falling from the union with the Varuni, its radiance lost, did not find support from the mountain. It seemed to be afraid of the darkness. ||155||
Gone, perhaps, to search for the past day, or entered the netherworld, or hidden behind the peaks of the mountain, the sun was not seen. ||156||
Having destroyed the darkness, and attacked the earth-bearers with its rays, the sun, like a man without clothes, set at the end of the day. ||157||
This sun, constantly moving in a circular and slanting motion around Mount Meru, is not seen due to its distance, and therefore foolish men think it is falling down. ||158||
At this time of the sun's misfortune, the directions, like women afflicted with grief, were bearing faces devoid of radiance, filled with darkness. ||159||