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## The Thirty-Fourth Chapter: The Play of the Lion
Saluting the Lord, the creator of the universe, the teacher of the mobile and immobile, the one worshipped by the Indras, we do not seek refuge in any other. Those who have embraced the supreme initiation, who have accepted the glory of austerity, and who have expressed their desire for the wealth of liberation, may they be auspicious for us, the sons of the Bull, the **Jina-Jushas**, the foremost among those who serve the Jinas. || 222 ||
That illustrious Bharata, with his messengers, could not be humbled, nor could he share the earth with them. Those who sought refuge in the **Jina-Vrisha**, their father, for liberation, may those munis, who possess the wealth of pride and who burn the fuel of karma, destroy our sins. || 223 ||
Thus ends the thirty-fourth chapter, titled "The Description of the Initiation of Bharata's Younger Brothers," in the **Trishatilak-Mahapuraana** compiled by the **Bhagawan-Jina-Senacharya**. || 34 ||
May those who were benevolent to all beings, the sons of the Lord Vrishabhadeva, be auspicious for you all. || 220-221 ||
* **Jina-Jushas:** Those who delight in the Jinas, those who serve the Jinas.
* **Jina-Vrisha:** The Bull-like Jina, referring to Lord Vrishabhadeva.
* **Trishatilak-Mahapuraana:** A major Jain scripture.
* **Bhagawan-Jina-Senacharya:** A revered Jain Acharya.