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## Chapter 154: The Great Purana
Even though you have shown us extraordinary respect, it is unparalleled. It enhances our glory in the world, and therefore I am ready to speak. ||35||
O Dev, we have heard the teachings of the wise and learned that the Chakra Ratna (wheel jewel) does not rest until the conquest of all directions is complete. In other words, the Chakravarti (universal monarch) never stops until his desires are fulfilled. ||36||
This victorious weapon of yours, which is as fierce as blazing flames, is stuck at the city gate, as if it were obstructed. ||37||
O Dev, while you rule your people, the terms enemy, friend, enemy's friend, and friend's friend, have only remained in scriptures. In reality, you have neither friend nor enemy, everyone is your devotee. ||38||
However, there is still someone who needs to be conquered, and he has appeared in your own home, like a terrible disease in the stomach. ||39||
You have conquered the external realm, but the purity of the internal realm has not yet been achieved. This means that even though you have conquered the outside world, your own people are not yet aligned with you. ||40||
Even though you have conquered all your enemies, your brothers do not bow to you. They have not offered you salutations. They stand against you, and being of the same lineage, they cannot be harmed by you. ||41||
Even a powerful man can be obstructed by his own people. This is evident in the example of the Suryakant gem, which burns when placed in front of the sun. ||42||
Even a weak person, if he finds a strong ally, can destroy a king, just as a weak club, when supported by a sharp axe, can destroy its own kind, like trees. ||43||
These brothers of yours are invincible, powerful, and proud. Among them, the most prominent are the young, the wise, the brave, and the strong, Bahubali. ||44||
These ninety-nine brothers of yours are very powerful. We bow to Bhagavan Adinath, and to no one else. ||45||