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## Chapter 33: Description of Bharata Raja's Journey to Kailasa Mountain
With eyes wide open, gazing at the glorious splendor of the Jina assembly, Bharata, with arms long as an era, returned to his palace, followed by kings bowing their heads, resembling the banner of the lineage of the Kulakaras. ||201||
Having conquered all directions with the rise of his punya, and having spent sixty thousand years in his conquests, he bowed to the Jina with joy and attained supreme bliss. Therefore, O wise ones, strive to accumulate punya. ||202||
Thus ends the thirty-third chapter of the Trishatti Lakshana Mahapuraana Sangraha, composed by Bhagavan Jinasena Acharya, describing Bharata Raja's journey to Kailasa Mountain.
1. Conqueror of all directions.
2. Years.
3. Therefore.
4. Strive.