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The Mahapurana, then, coming face to face with the 'Sani-kain Pasattam' [Jain term], the victorious generals, with the sound of their victorious drums, [14] having crossed the great street, with its high, decorated archways, and its waving banners, entered the king's camp. [146] The skilled general, having dismounted from his excellent horse, reached the pavilion where the king was seated. [150] With his head bowed, his hands clasped, and his crown swaying, he bowed to the king, who was watching him with astonishment. [151] With shouts of victory, the Mlechcha kings, with their armies, bowed to the king, touching the ground with their foreheads. [152] The general, having presented the jewels and other gifts brought by the Mlechcha kings, introduced them to the king, giving their names. [153] The king, with great joy, honored and welcomed all the kings. Then, with the king's permission, they returned to their own places. [154] Thus, the Chakravarti, by the power of his virtuous deeds, had conquered the kings near the Vijayaditya mountain, simply by the power of his righteous rule. For where is victory without virtue? [155]
Then, the king, who was the lord of jewels, appointed the general, who had been honored by the assembly of kings, who had conquered all the forts, who had humbled the Mlechcha kings, who was adorned with the signs of victory, and who was honored with the marks of victory, as the chief general, to lead the army to further victory. [156] With suitable treasures, jewels, and excellent enjoyments and possessions,
1 with his army. 2 brought from those Mlechcha kings. 3 honoring. 4 brought near the king. 5 giving their names. 6 the Mlechcha kings. 7 they returned to their own homes. 8 the Mlechcha kings, 'Pratyanta' meaning the farthest Mlechcha country.