PAST-INCARNATION Bhagavan Mahavir was the last and the twenty fourth Tirthankar of this era in the Jain tradition. He had a highly developed multifaceted personality. He scintil-lated with the infinitely intense glow of the pure soul. All the virtues and powers of his soul were completely awakened and active. He had infinite power but, at the same time, he also had infinite compassion. Possessing ultimate powers of the soul, he was unconquerable even by gods and demons. Thus Tirthankar Mahavir was an undefeatable, fully developed and absolutely co.nposite human being.
But the seeds of this grandeur and greatness of Bhagavan Mahavir were sown in the remote past. He had been doing rigorous penance, indulging in altruism and practising deep meditation in many of his past incarnations. From this angle the incidents from earlier incarnations of this supreme scul are very iinportant and inspiring. The first incident in this sequence is known as "the first touch of righteousness”. It is from the 27th birth before the final birth of the soul of Bhagavan Mahavir. The story of this birth as the village elder Nayasar, goes like this
First Glimpse of Right Knowledge : Nayasar
In the twenty seventh birth before being born as Bhagavan Mahavir, this soul was a village elder and forester working for king Shatrumardhan of Pratisthan city in the west Mahavideh area. He used to bring all the wood required for construction purposes from the forest. One day at noon time all the workers were taking rest after their lunch. Nayasar also sat under a tree in order to take the food he had brought along. Before starting to eat he saw some ascetics wandering at the foot of nearby hills. Nayasar thought that these ascetics are wandering without food or water in this scorching sun. If they happen to come this side, I will offer a part of my food to them. I will be benefitted by this simple act of serving guests and my day will become purposeful.
Innocent Nayasar waited looking at the approaching ascetics. With deep devotion he offered them this pure food. When they proceeded towards the town, Nayasar accompanied them for some distance to show the way. When Nayasar bowed before the ascetics before taking their leave, they gave him sermons of the true path, the simple code of compassion, pity, simplicity, humility and equanimity. Devoted and respectful, Nayasar got enlightened and the seed of righteousness (Samyaktva) sprouted in his mind. As this is the starting point of Illustrated Tirthankar Charitra
सचित्र तीर्थंकर चरित्र