the spiritual evolution, the moment when a soul lost in the darkness of illusion got the first glimpse of spiritual light, the counting of the earlier incarnations of the soul that became Bhagavan Mahavir begins here.
पद्म सरोवर
The Third Birth : Marichi
After completing his age (the age of a being, according to Jainism, is a fixed period determined by actions in the immediately preceeding birth), the soul of Nayasar was reborn as a god in the Saudharm Kalpa. He then took birth as Marichi, the son of Chakravarti (sovereign of six continents) Bharat in the city of Ayodhya. After hearing the first discourse of Bhagavan Rishabhdev he became a Shraman. But as he could not sustain the rigorous ascetic codes, he abandoned the dress of a Shraman, made desired relaxations in the harsh code of Shraman conduct, and became a Tridandi Parivrajak (a class of mendicants). He started keeping an umbrella and a pair of wooden slippers. He also used to take bath and apply fragrant pastes like sandal wood paste. However, he still believed the path of Rishabhdev to be the best. He would sit just outside the divine pavilion (Samavasaran) of Rishabhdev and when asked about his strange dress, he would innocently accept his weaknesses and preach to the people around, inspiring them to accept the religion of Shramans.
One day Bharat Chakravarti asked Bhagavan Rishabhdev, "Prabho ! Is there any great being (soul) present in this congregation who will become a Tirthankar like you ?" Rishabhdev replied, “Bharat ! Outside this religious congregation sits your son Marichi dressed as a Parivrajak. After penances and other practices for many reincarnations, he will become the last Tirthankar of this cycle of time. During his passage from Marichi to Mahavir, he will also be born as Triprishtha Vasudev (the lord of three regions) in one birth and in another reincarnation as Priyamitra Chakravarti." (M-1/1)
Hearing about the astoundingly bright future of the soul of his son Marichi, Emperor Bharat burst with joy. He went to Marichi with the happy news and said, "Marichi ! You are extremely lucky, I greet you as the future Tirthankar."
Marichi was overjoyed hearing the prophecy of Bhagavan Rishabhdev. His happiness was boundless. But at the same time, thoughts of the glory of his clan stirred his conceit. Filled with pride for his clan, he uttered, "How great is my clan and what a superior family is that to which I belong ! My grandfather is the first Tirthankar, my father is the first Chakravarti, and I will became a Vasudev, a Chakravarti, and finally the last Tirthankar of this cycle of time. How great, indeed !" And thus Marichi almost burst with conceit. Slowly he slid down from the heights of spiritual excellence, and was drawn into the whirlpool of the egoism of racial supremacy. (M-1/2)
रत्न राशि
(Pong )
Bhagavan Mahavir: Past-Incarnation
Jan Education international Urdu
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