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Chapter:-2 Collection of Examples
Whatever karma a living being performs in this world, through food, that karma must be atoned for by him, with the help of the right cause and the right conditions. ||26||
If you have committed any sin, even if it is a small one, you will have to suffer for it in the next life. ||27||
Therefore, O valiant one! Take refuge in the Arhats and follow their teachings. Abandon pride and anger, and be kind to all beings. ||28||
Speak gently to those who are angry, and be forgiving to all beings. ||29||
Remember the Arhats, the gods, the gurus, the saints, and the Jinas, and think of them as your guides. ||30||
Refrain from harming living beings, from stealing, from sexual misconduct, and from lying. ||31||
Follow the eighteen principles of conduct, and be mindful of your thoughts and actions. ||32||
Whoever does not perform the five prostrations at the end of the day, and who kills ten living beings, will be reborn in hell. ||33||
Your mother, father, friends, children, wife, and relatives are all your companions in this life. ||34||
By remembering the suffering of hell, and by being free from attachment, you will be able to overcome all obstacles. ||35||
It is difficult to find the jewel of the Jina's teachings. Therefore, with a single-minded devotion, accept its fruits. ||36||
By offering flowers, water, and incense, and by bowing your head in reverence, you will be able to purify yourself. ||37||
By following the path of non-violence, you will be reborn in the heavenly realms. ||38||
44. In the book "Shriaavashyakaniyuktihaaribhadriyavrittau Shraavikaakhyaanakah", there is a story about a woman who was a follower of the wrong path. She was cooking food, and she was very angry. She wanted to kill someone. She saw a snake, and she thought that she could use it to kill someone. She took the snake and put it in a pot. She then went to the market to buy some flowers. She thought that if someone tried to eat her food, she would kill them with the snake. She went to the market and bought some flowers. She then went back home and put the flowers in the pot. She then went to bed. She was very tired. She fell asleep. She had a dream. In her dream, she saw a god. The god told her that she should not kill anyone. He told her that she should be kind to all beings. She woke up from her dream. She was very scared. She realized that she had been wrong. She decided to change her ways. She became a follower of the Jina's teachings. She became a good person. She lived a happy life.