6) To refrain from unscientific practice, blind faith, and supersition.
The trust is making all endeavor on the above policy & direction. Research of Dr. Pritam Singhvi on the subject 'SaniatvayogEk, Samanvay Dhrashti' (Praxis of Equanimity - A synthesis view point) is very good contribution in the above mission. The treatment of subject is lucid as one would wish. The thesis is a comparative research collection of data on equanimity from old scriptures of Vedic, Jain & Buddhist. It creates a sound base to understand the concepts and philosophy of equanimity and means to achieve it. It is my belief that knowing your permanent reality gives meaning to life. We feel proud to present such unique work for public welfare. We shall be happy if public consciousness and awarness is created towards equanimity. After awarness, change will take place in people's life by its own momentum.
Thanking you
Navin Shah
Managing Trustee Navdarshan Society of Self Development
Jain Education International
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