arrest Laksmana, but he killed all who dared to approach him. Finally Sinhodara attacked Lakşmaņa but was himself captured. News reached Vajrakarņa. Triumphant Lakşmaņa taking the captive king along with him fell at the feet of Rāma, who embraced him attectionately.
XXVI. Sandhi. Episode of Kalyāņa māla.
The kingdom was divided between Vajrakarņa and Simhodara. For his timely service to Vajrakarna, thief Vidyudanga also was duly rewarded. Lakşmaņa consented to marry the three hundred girls offered by Vajrakarna and Simhodara, at the time when he would return after fixing up a suitable abode for Rāma.
Rāma, Laksmana and Sītā left that place at midnight and arrived at the city of Kūvara. It's king Kalyāṇamāla, who was really a woman disguised as a man, was out in the park to enjoy spring sports. Seeing Lakşmaņa, Kalyāņmāla was overcome with pangs of love and calling him at once, honoured him by offering to share the royal seat. Rāma and Sītā also were called there. They all enjoyed water-sports and dined. Reveal.ng her secret, Kalyānamāla told that she was forced to live like that because Rudrabhūti, the king of the Vindhyas had kidnapped her father, Vālikhilya. Lakşmaņa took a vow to kill Rudrabhūti in a battle. They spent that night there. Next morning when Kalyānamālā avoke, she was pained to find that her guests were already gone leaving behind a written message for her.
XXVII. Sandhi. Episode of Rudrabhūti and Kapila.
They proceeded towards the Vindhyas, and crossed the Narmadā, when, king Rudrabhūti, who came there on a hunting expedition, ordered his men to snatch away beautiful Sitā from Rāma and Lakşmaņa. But the latter twanged his bow and the attacking party fled. On learning that the strangers were Baladeva and Vāsudeva, he at once fell at their feet. Valikhilya was realsed.
Rāma, Lakşmana and Sītā resumed their journey. Crossing the Tāpi, they arrived at Arunagrama and entered the house of Brāhmana Kapila in his absence, because Sitā felt thirsty since very long. As they rested there a while, Kapila returned and abused them. To save him from enraged Lakşmaņa, they left his house. Proceeding further they entered a dense forest and halted under a huge banyan tree.
XXVIII. Sandhi. The Kapila episode concluded.
During the night time, as they rested there, Putana Yakşa, in order to protect them from the downpou of rains, created by means of his magic powers a city called Rāmapuri and dedicated it to Rāma with the present of precious ornaments. Kapila learnt that the king of that new city granted the wish of everyone who first bowed to the Jina. Kapila becarne a Jain convert and went to sce the king. Seeing Lakşmana he at once
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