XXIV.. Sandhi. Daśaratha becomes a recluse: Bha.
rata's unsuccessful effort to bring back Rāma.
Along with Rāma, Lakşmaņa and Sītā departed the glory of Ayodhyā. The berievement was shared equally by all the people, who were constantly haunted by Lakşmaņa's memory.
Dasaratha went forth, in great pomp to perform the ablution cere. mony of the Jina. At that moment Bharata again argued with him as his own love for renunciation was still unabated. But Dasaratha disappreved of such wavering when once a decision was taken. Thus, redeeming his pledge to Kaikayi and tying the royal turban round Bharata's head, Dasaratha, along with one hundred and forty other kings repaired to the Jina-shrine and became a recluse.
News of Rāma's departure reached Bharata. Overwhelmed with sorrow, he swooned. His recovery and lament. He consoled Aparäjitā and promised to bring back Rāma and Lakşmaņa.
He immediately left and following Rāma's track overtook them after six days. Kaikayi also arrived. Bharata's request to Rāma to return and accept the crown could not be accepted by Rāma as that would be against the plighted word of their father. Accordingly Rāma tied with his own hand the royal turban round Bharata's head and resumed his journey. Bharata took a vow to abdicate when Rāma returned and came back to Ayodhyā.
Moving further on, Rāma, Laksmana and Sītā came to the Tāpasavana, where lived all sorts of ascetics. Similarly they crossed forest settlements of hunters and herdsmen. Thence passing through a dense jungle and taking to the eastern direction, they came in the vicinity of mount Citrakūța, when four months and a half were completed since their departure from Ayodhyā. They now entered the precincts of the city of Daśapura. Laksmana saw some one fleeing in mortal panic, with his head broken. He caught him and brought before Rāma.
XXV. Sandhi. Episode of Vajrakarna and Sim ho
The stranger's account: He was escaping from a deadly battle between king Simhodara and his feudatory Vajrakarņa, the king of Daśapura, the cause being the latter's vow not to salute anybody except the Jina.
They rewarded him and by and by entered Dasapura. Lakşmana went to see Vajrakarņa, who welcomed him warmly and supplied a very sumptuous dinner for all the three. As a return obligation Lakşmaņa, as a representative of king Bharata and as an ally of Vajrakarna, told Simhodará to make up with his opponent by equally sharing his kingdom with him or otherwise be ready for the worst. Enraged Simhodara ordered to
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