PREFACE While searching for the Mss. of Siddhicandra's commentary on the Vasavadattā of Subandhu in the Jñāna Bhaņdāra of Pannyāsa Saubhagya Vimalji at Ahmedabad, I saw, by chance, a Ms. bearing the title Kāvyaprakāśakhandana. Looking through it cursorily, I found that it contained a sort of commentary written with the object of criticizing Kávyaprakāśa rather than explaining it. Dr. De, in his Sanskrit Poetics' Vol. I. p. 189 says, “A work called Kavyāmộtatarangiņi or Kāvyaprakāsakhandana - apparently an adverse critique on Mammata is entered in Mitra 2674.” I thought that this was the Ms. of that work though it is nowhere called Kāvyāmộtatarangiṇī, When I
informed Muni Śri Jinavijayaji, the general editor of the Singhi Jaina · Granthmālā, of this work, he expressed a desire to publish the same in his Series, if I prepared a critical edition of the work. I searched for more Mss. of the work and got two more from the same Bhaņņāra. I have prepared the present edition of K. P. K. with the help of these Mss. and the printed editions of K. P.- particularly that of Jhalkikar (B. O. R. I. 1921).
I express my thanks to the trustees of the Saubhagya Vimal Bhandara for lending me the Mss. and to Ācārya Jinavijayaji for accepting it for publication in the S. J. S. and also for various kinds of help in editing this work.
. R. C. Parikh
EFT. 1.
31. 8. T. 1.
ABBREVIATIONS 77277#TTAug. (The reference is to pages. Reference to Kārikās and Slokas are preceded by T. and .) R1200. Gaekwar Oriental Series, Baroda. Treinafta. Singhi Jain Granthamala. THITTATE. Nirnaya Sagar Press, Bombay, Third revised edition, 1916. Hrfecuador, edited by M.m. Kane, 1923 and 1951. Bhānucaņdracarita (S. J. S.) Journal of Oriental Research, Madras.
FT. T. B.C. J. O. R.
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