( 467 ] Tufat 3Eze
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
7. Gotra (status determining karma)-karma responsible for the higher or lower status of a being.
8. Antaraya (power hindering karma)-karma that acts as an impediment to a man's pursuits including realization of his human, moral and spiritual goals.
These eight classes of karmas are further divided into 148 sub-classes (uttara prakritis) including 5 of Jnanavaraniya, 9 of Darshanavaraniya, 2 of Vedaniya, 28 of Mohaniya, 4 of Ayushya, 93 of Naam, 2 of Gotra and 5 of Antaraya.
Karmic bondage has four dimensions-1. prakriti bandha (qualitative bondage), 2. pradesh bandha (space-point or sectional bondage), 3. sthiti bandha (duration bondage), and 4. anubhaga bandha (potency bondage).
Bondage of karma takes place due to intents or passions including attachment and aversion. There are many levels of intents including intense, more intense, most intense, mild, milder and mildest making that many levels of karmas as well.
All these are described in this chapter in brief but complete. The chapter has 25 verses.