सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
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The title of this chapter is Karma Prakriti or The Nature of Karmas. The very name conveys that this chapter describes the nature or characteristics of karmas.
Most important question is-What is karma? This follows many other questions like— 'How it adheres to soul?' 'Why the bonding of karma with soul takes place?', and so on.....
Karma is matter. There are numerous classifications of matter and one among them is the karmic class (karman-vargana). Aggregates of innumerable ultimate particles of matter (paramanu), having the attribute of four dimensional touch, are classified as karmic class of matter. Drawn by passions (sentiments of attachment, aversion, fondness and the like) these karmic class of matter-aggregates fuse with the soul just like assimilation of water with milk. This process is called bondage.
When did this bondage start? When did the soul enter into karmic bondage for the first time? The answer to these questions is—since time immemorial. This is because the worldly soul (as a living being) was never unfettered of karmas. It always remains in this unnatural state (vibhaava). However, by striving for and exerting towards the natural state (svabhaava) it can free itself to become a perfected supreme-soul.
There are eight basic karmas
1. Jnanavaraniya (knowledge obscuring)-karma that veils right knowledge or enlightenment.
2. Darshanavaraniya (perception/faith obscuring karma)-karma that veils true perception.
3. Vedaniya (emotion evoking karma)-karma responsible for evoking emotions of pain and pleasure.
4. Mohaniya (deluding karma)-the karma that tempts soul towards fondness for the mundane and away from the true nature of soul.
5. Ayushya (life-span determining karma)-karma responsible for defining life-span in any specific existence as a living being.
6. Naam (body type determining karma)-karma responsible for the destiny and body type.