सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Hafan 3782747 [ 346 ]
The title of this chapter is Khalunkiya or Rogue Bullocks. The term khalunk means rogue bullock, stinger (cause of pain), leech (fault-finder), scorpión (causing pain by stinging words) etc.
According to Sharpentier this word appears to have been derived from the root khal, which means crooked and roguish.
This meaning of khal still prevails.
The term khalunk seems to be a variant of khalauksha. As khal-vihag is used for a crooked bird, khalauksha (or khalunk) might have been used for crooked bullock.
In this chapter the word khalunk has been used for crooked or rogue bullocks and it is used as a metaphor for impertinent and immodest disciple. Also included is the description of immodesty, crookedness, indiscipline and impertinence of such pupil.
There are two important essentials in an aspirant's life-modesty and discipline, Devoid of both or even one of these an aspirant becomes footloose and drifts away from the spiritual path.
As a rogue bullock causes pain and suffering to his master (cart driver) by breaking the cart, yoke and rein, in the same way a rogue disciple breaks the cart of religion (discipline of the order), disturbs the mental peace and serenity of the acharya (head of the order), thereby causing pain and suffering to him.
It is the duty of disciples and other associates to ensure mutual comforts and facilitate spiritual practices; but extremely selfish, arrogant and roguish individuals act contrary to this. They cause mental agony and misery.
Gargyacharya was an accomplished religious scholar of his time. He was a senior ascetic with profound wisdom. He was endowed with the virtues of restraint. But unfortunately all his disciples were impertinent, immodest, footloose and undisciplined. The acharya tried his best to reform them. He tolerated their misconduct for a long time, but in the end when all hopes of their reform were lost, drawn by his spiritual goal, he one day left all his disciples and went into isolation.
It is the duty of an ascetic seeking spiritual serenity that if the group activity (with disciples, associate sages, devotees and other disturbing elements) impedes his spiritual pursuits and he does not get an able and qualified associate, then guarding his restraint he should pursue his spiritual goal in isolation
This is what Gargyacharya did and that is the theme of this chapter. The chapter has 17 verses.