[ 327 ] vafcigt 37EZA
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Verse 16-Answers to the four questions asked are as follows
1. First question is-What is the mouth (basic theme) of the Vedas? The reply by Jayaghosh is-Agnihotra. Vijayaghosh knew the conventional meaning, fire-sacrifice and other accompanying rituals but he wanted to know ascetic Jayaghosh's interpretation of agnihotra. For an ascetic agnihotra is a spiritual concept, which encompasses the ten ascetic codes including austerities, restraint, selfstudy, patience, truth and ahimsa. Ascetic Jayaghosh explains this inner agnihotra to Vijayaghosh. In this inner sacrificial fire (agnihotra) perversions of mind are sacrificed and burnt.
2. Second question is—What is the mouth (real performer) of yajnas (ritual offerings)? The answer is–the performing priest. According to the ascetic in the spiritual yajna the aspirant who shifts his extrovert sense organs and mind from indiscipline and focuses on restraint is the real performer of yajna.
3. Third question is-What is the mouth of Nakshatras (most important among asterisms). It is related to time. In those days the knowledge of time was essential for routine timely duties including self-study; and that was dependent on the calculation of the motion of stars, constellations and Asterism. Knowledge of the changing dates of the lunar month was acquired easily with the waxing and waning of the moon visible to the naked eye. With this view the ascetic answered that the moon is central to Asterisms. This reply has affirmation in Gita also—Nakshtraanaamaham shashi. (10/21)
4. Fourth question is-What is the mouth (the source) of religions? Who gave the light of religion first of all? Ascetic Jayaghosh replied-It is Kaashyap. In the present cycle of time the first Kaashyap Bhagavan Rishabhadev is the first propagator and preceptor of religion. It is explicitly mentioned in Sutrakritanga (1/2/3/2) that all Tirthankars follow the religion propagated by Kaashyap (Kaasavassa anudhammachaarino). (Vrihad Vritti by Shantyacharya)