तर सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
चतुर्विंश अध्ययन [312]
A place suitable for disposal can be of four kinds-1. That which is neither frequented by people nor is visible to people from a distance. 2. That which is not frequented by people but is visible to people from a distance. 3. That which is frequented by people but not visible to people from a distance. 4. That which is frequented by people and also visible to people from a distance. (16)
At a place that is neither frequented by people nor is visible to people, which does not disturb self-control, which is level land, which is not hollow, which has been made lifeless-(17)
वित्थिपणे दूरमोगाढे, नासन्ने बिलवज्जिए।
तसपाण-बीयरहिए, उच्चाराईणि वोसिरे॥१८॥ विस्तृत हो, गाँव से दूर हो, बहुत नीचे तक अचित्त हो, बिल तथा त्रस प्राणी और बीजों से रहित हो-ऐसी भूमि में मल आदि का व्युत्सर्ग करना चाहिए ॥ १८॥
Which is spacious, which is far from habitation, which is lifeless to a considerable depth, which is free from holes, mobile creatures and seeds, disposal of excreta etc. should be done at such a place. (18)
एयाओ पंच समिईओ, समासेण वियाहिया।
एत्तो य तओ गुत्तीओ, वोच्छामि अणुपुव्वसो॥१९॥ ये पाँच समितियाँ संक्षेप में बताई गई हैं। अब यहाँ से आगे अनुक्रम से तीन गुप्तियाँ कहूँगा॥ १९॥
Here I have briefly explained these five circumspections. Now I will tell about the restraints in due order. (19) १-मनोगुप्ति
सच्चा तहेव मोसा य, सच्चामोसा तहेव य। चउत्थी असच्चमोसा, मणगुत्ती चउव्विहा॥२०॥ संरम्भ-समारम्भे तु, आरम्भे य तहेव य।
मणं पवत्तमाणं तु, नियतेज्ज जयं जई॥२१॥ (१) सत्या (सच), (२) मृषा (झूठ), (३) सत्यामृषा (सत्य और झूठ मिश्रित), (४) असत्यामृषा (न सच, न झूठ-लोक व्यवहार) मनोगुप्ति के चे चार भेद हैं ॥ २० ॥
यतनायुक्त यति संरम्भ, समारम्भ और आरम्भ में प्रवृत्त होते हुए मन का निवर्तन-निरोध करे॥ २१ ॥ 1. Mental restraint (manogupti)
1. Truth, 2. untruth, 3. truth and untruth mixed, and 4. neither truth nor untruth (courteous and social behaviour)-these are four kinds of mental restraint. (20)
A careful ascetic should prevent his mind from wishing misfortune for, from thoughts of causing misery to and thoughts of causing destruction of other living beings. (21)