तर सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
द्वाविंश अध्ययन [274]
Arishtanemi was gifted with virtues including valour and serenity as also with charming voice. On his body there were one thousand eight auspicious signs (conchshell, wheel etc.). His caste was Gautam and complexion was dark. (5)
वज्जरिसहसंघयणो, समचउरंसो झसोयरो।
तस्स राईमई कन्नं, भज्जं जायइ केसवो॥६॥ उनका वज्रऋषभनाराच संहनन और समचतुरस्त संस्थान था। उनका उदर मछली के समान था। उसकी भार्या राजीमती कन्या बने, इसके लिए केशव (कृष्ण) ने (राजा उग्रसेन से) याचना की॥६॥
He was endowed with vajra-rishabh-narach samhanan (a specific type of constitution of human body where the joints are perfect and strongest) and samachaturasra samsthan (the anatomical structure of a human being where parallel lines drawn from the extremities of a body sitting cross-legged form a square and where all the parts of body above and below the navel are of standard dimensions). His stomach was streamlined like a fish. Keshav (Shrikrishna) sought the king's (Ugrasena's) daughter Raajimati's hand for him. (6)
अह सा रायवर-कन्ना, सुसीलाचारुपेहिणी।
सव्वलक्खणसंपन्ना, विज्जुसोयामणिप्पभा॥७॥ वह (राजीमती) श्रेष्ठ राजा की पुत्री, सुशील, सुन्दर तथा सर्वशुभ लक्षण-सम्पन्न थी तथा बिजली की प्रभा के समान उसके शरीर की कान्ति थी॥७॥ . That daughter (Raajimati) of a glorious king was virtuous, beautiful and endowed with all noble signs and a lightning-like glowing complexion. (7) .
जहाह जणओ तीसे, वासुदेवं महिड्ढियं।
इहागच्छऊ कुमारो, जा. से कन्नं दलाम ऽहं॥८॥ उस कन्या के पिता ने महाऋद्धिवान वासुदेव से कहा- यदि कुमार यहाँ आएँ तो मैं अपनी पुत्री उन्हें दे दूँगा ॥ ८॥
The father of this girl said to highly opulent Vaasudeva (Shrikrishna)-If the prince comes here I will certainly give him my daughter. (8)
सब्वोसहीहि हविओ, कयकोउयमंगलो।
दिव्बजुयलपरिहिओ, आभरणेहिं विभूसिओ॥९॥ (अरिष्टनेमि को) सभी प्रकार की औषधियों से मिश्रित जल से स्नान कराया गया, कौतुक मंगल किये गये, दिव्य युगल वस्त्रों का परिधान तथा आभूषणों से शृंगारित किया गया ॥ ९॥
He (Arishtanemi) was given a bath with water mixed with a variety of beneficial herbs. Auspicious rituals were performed. He was adorned and embellished with divine dress and ornaments. (9)