[159 ] चतुर्दश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Ishukaariya. The principal characters of this story are the two sons of priest Bhrigu. It is they who preach Priest Bhrigu and his wife Yasha. It is queen Kamalavati who inspires king Ishukaar to become a shraman (Jain ascetic) and practice the noble religion. However, due to prominence of the king the title of this chapter is Ishukaariya. The king and his city both bear the same name Ishukaar.
The Story
The reason that priest Bhrigu's two sons got detached right in their boyhood is associated with their earlier births. King Ishukaar, queen Kamalavati, priest Bhrigu, his wife Yasha and their two sons, all these six souls were mutually associated in their earlier births also. The story in brief is as follows
The preceding chapter has the story of four ascetic sons of a cowherd. Two of them have been mentioned as Chitra and Sambhuta in the preceding chapter. The other two are connected with this chapter.
On conclusion of their divine life-span, these two were reborn in an affluent family in Kshitipratishthit city. Four other youth from merchant families became their friends. Once all the six young men attended religious discourses by senior ascetics (sthavirs) and got initiated. After leading a long ascetic life they embraced meditational death and all the six were reborn as gods having a life-span of four Palyopam (a metaphoric unit of time) in the Padmagulma celestial vehicle in Saudharma divine realm.
When the divine life-span came to an end one god was born as Ishukaar, the king of the city of the same name, second one as his queen Kamalavati, third one as priest Bhrigu and fourth one as his wife Yasha.
The life-spans of the gods who were cowherd's sons were yet to be concluded. They were still in the divine realm.
When priest Bhrigu and his wife Yasha remained childless for a long time, they got worried. They were very eager to have a son.
In the divine realm when the aforesaid two gods thought about their future, they came to know that 'We will be reborn as sons of priest Bhrigu'. They then thought-"We should make advance arrangement least we may forget the right religion during the birth as humans."
They came to priest Bhrigu's home in the guise of shramans. The couple paid them homage. The sages gave them a religious discourse. The couple expressed their desire for a son. The sages said "You will get two sons, but they will get initiated at an early age. Please do not stop them doing so."