in सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
agar 3787PA [160]
Saying thus the gods guised as sages went away.
When the divine life-span of the two cowherd's sons concluded, they were reborn in priest Bhrigu's home. The couple was filled with joy to get two sons. But at the same time they got worried also about the impending initiation of the sons. To avoid this they left Ishukaar city and took residence in a nearby village called Braj. They also started to poison the minds of their sons by often telling them that these sages are apparently noble but actually they are evil; they keep daggers and forks in their bags and kidnap children, and much more."
These adverse remarks by their parents made the sons fearful of sages.
Once, the two brothers were playing under a large and dense tree outside the village. When they saw some sages approaching, they climbed up the tree with panic and hid themselves in leaves. The sages stopped under the tree and cleaning the needed area they began taking their meal. Observing their compassionate behaviour and pure pious food the fear of the sons of Bhrigu evaporated. While they were deliberating about sages they were blessed with Jatismaran jnana (surfacing of the memories of past births). On their return home they sought permission for initiation from their parents.
In the previous chapter mundane indulgences and spiritual practices and their respective miserable and happy consequences were described but this chapter is detachment oriented.
Here logically refuting the traditional beliefs of Vedic and other contemporary schools in the religious arena, the beliefs of Shraman religion are established. In this context this chapter is logic centric. Queen Kamalavati has also logically proved the contemptuousness of the prevailing feudal tradition that 'the ruler becomes the natural owner of the wealth of an heirless person'. On strength of that, she persuaded her husband, king Ishukaar, not to confiscate the wealth of priest Bhrigu and inspired him towards ascetic restraint.
It is an established belief that every individual is born with impressions of earlier births and is also influenced by the existing circumstances and environment.
Every character of this chapter is a typed one in his own right and represents a certain school of thought. King Ishukaar represents the feudal tradition that the ruler is the owner of the wealth of an heirless person. Queen Kamalavati is like an unaffected lotus existing in the slime of mundane pleasures.
Priest Bhrigu represents the prevailing Brahminic and other creeds. Yasha, his wife, represents average woman desirous of sensual pleasures. She tries to keep her husband trapped in the mundane.
Both the sons of priest Bhrigu are representatives of the Shramanic school of thought. They emphatically refute the views presented by their father with proper authentication in lucid and touching words. Their answers shatter the delusion of their father and he also gets ready to renounce the world. After that, his wife Yasha also prepares herself to accept ascetic life.
Besides expressing her own desire to get initiated, Queen Kamalavati persuades her husband, king Ishukaar, with convincing arguments and examples in favour of asceticism. Influenced by her irrefutable logic king Ishukaar also joins the ascetic order.
This way, priest Bhrigu, his wife Yasha, their two sons, king Ishukaar and queen Kamalavati; all the six persons attain liberation by following the Shraman conduct.
The chapter has 53 verses.