सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Bahushrut Puja. The term bahushrut means one who has acquired very wide range of knowledge, a consummate or accomplished scholar. This chapter informs about the nobility and importance of scholarly ascetics. The term puja literally means worship and it includes expression of reverence and devotion as well as mental, vocal and physical humbleness towards scholarly ascetics.
In the preceding chapter the aspirant was inspired to be alert or free of stupor. This chapter discusses the glory of the wise.
The accomplished scholarly ascetics are said to be of three levels-1. At the lowest level-he should at least be a scholar of Aachaara Prakalp and Nisheeth Sutra. 2. At the medium level-he should also be a scholar of Vrihatkalp and Vyavahaara Sutra. 3. At the higher level-he should also be a scholar of three sections (Vastu) of the ninth Purva (the subtle canons of Jains) or the tenth Purva. A scholar of the fourteen Purvas is the supreme scholar.
The chapter, first of all, describes those who are lower than the Bahushrut (accomplished scholarly ascetic) level. Then the reasons for becoming an accomplished scholarly ascetic have been enumerated. The purpose of this is to provide guidance to aspirants for becoming accomplished scholarly ascetics.
After that, fourteen signs of immodesty are mentioned. These are impediments in becoming an accomplished scholarly ascetic. Also mentioned are the fifteen qualities that help attaining the goal. All this is followed by a lucid and inspiring narration of importance of knowledge and the knower, employing fifteen metaphors from the physical world, such as the sun, the moon, Kanthak (a superior breed) horse etc.
In the end the consequence of such superb learning is mentioned as attainment of liberation.
The whole chapter establishes the greatness of knowledge. The chapter contains 32 verses.