(सूखी घास या पराल का बिछौना) पर पर्यंकादि आसन में आसीन होता है। उसके बाद दोनों हाथ जोड़कर, दशों अंगुलियों को मस्तक पर स्थापित करके इस प्रकार कहता है
Explanation: The resolve for samlekhana is undertaken when noticing that the age-determining kama is at its fag end or the death is close by. One detaches oneself from eighteen types of sins and four types of articles of consumption. For this purpose he prepares himself in advance. At the time of the resolve for marnantik samlekhana, the practitioner discriminately examines the place (paushadhshala) and properly cleans it thereafter. Then he examines the place meant for call of nature and disposal of excreta, urine and the like. Thereafter, he examines his activity relating to movement, Facing north-east he discriminately examines the dry grass meant for his bedding. He sits in a particular bedding. He sits in a particular state, then folding his hand and touching the forehead with all the ten fingers, he says as under
नमस्कार सूत्र
this i अरिहंताणं, भगवन्ताणं, जाव संपत्ताणं, नमोऽत्थु णं मम धम्मायरियस्स जाव संपाविउ-कामस्स - वन्दामि णं भगवन्तं तत्थगयं इहगए पासउ मे ।
भावार्थ : अरिहंतों-भगवन्तों को मेरा नमस्कार हो, यावत् उन सभी उत्तम आत्माओं को जो मुक्ति प्राप्त कर चुके हैं, मेरा नमस्कार हो । मेरे धर्माचार्य को यावत् मोक्ष की आराधना में संलग्न सभी मोक्षाभिलाषी साधकों को मेरा नमस्कार हो । मोक्ष धाम में विराजमान सिद्ध भगवान् एवं इस भूमण्डल में विहरमान मेरे धर्माचार्य मुझे देखें - अर्थात् मुझ पर कृपा-दृष्टि करें।
I pay my obeisance to reverend arihantas and all those great souls who have already attained liberation. I bow to my spiritual master and all such practitioners of the path lending to salvation I bow to all the Siddhas who are in moksha area. The Viharman. Tirthankars in this world, and my spiritual master may bless me. In other words they may look after me.
आलोचना सूत्र
तत्थगए इयं त्ति कट्टु वन्दित्ता एवं नमंसित्ता वइज्जा- भगवं पुव्विं मए जाणि वयाणि चिन्नाणि, ताणि आलोइत्ता पडिक्कमित्ता निंदित्ता सिल्ली होऊण सव्वं पाणाइवायं पच्चक्खामि सव्वं मोसावायं सव्वं - अदिन्नादाणं, सव्वं मेहुणं, सव्वं परिग्गहं,
6th Chp. : Pratyakhyan
आवश्यक सूत्र
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