Aselessleolesaleasleshaashaalaakesta slesalesheskolesta shastlessleshaletestlessleshshastestsalsasteststreatsasteries
According to Acharya Haribhadra the accepted pratyakhyan should not be diluted during that period and it should be practiced with proper contemplation.
2. Paalit: The pratyakhyan should he again and again recollected and it should be practiced carefully.
3. Shodhit: In case any fault is committed in practice of pratyakhyan it should be purified immediately. In Sanskrit sahiyum also means shobhit. It means one should take meals only after serving teachers, colleagues and guests.
4. Tearit: It means to be careful till the completion of the resolve. It also means that after the completion of pratyakhyan, one should wait for same time before consuming any thing.
5. Keertit: It means that after the fulfillment of the resolve and before taking meals, contemplating about the resolve one should in a state of pleasure or excitement say 'I had made the resove in certain form and it has been concluded properly' Recollecting the resolve in such a manner one should feel happy.
6. Aaradhit: It means practicing the resolve according to the code avoiding all the likely faults.
The word anupalitanupaliyum in the aphorism means to recollect the command of the Tirthankar again and again while practicing the resolve.
अपश्चिम मारणान्तिक संलेखना सूत्र विधि-अपच्छिम-मारणन्तिय-संलेहणा समए पोसहसालं पडिलेहित्ता, पोसहसालं पमज्जित्ता, उच्चार-पासवण-भूमि पडिलेहित्ता, गमणागमणं पडिक्कमित्ता, दब्भ-संथारं संथारित्ता दुरूहित्ता य उत्तरपुरस्थिम-दिसाभिमुहे संपलियंकाइ आसणे निसीइत्ता, करयल-परिग्गहियं दसनहं सिरसावत्तं मत्थए अंजलिं कटु एवं वएज्जा
भावार्थ : आयु कर्म को स्वल्प जानकर अथवा मृत्यु को सन्निकट जानकर साधक मारणान्तिक (मृत्यु-पर्यंत) अठारह पापों और चारों प्रकार के आहार का त्याग करने के लिए संलेखना महाव्रत अंगीकार करता है। उसके लिए वह पूर्व तैयारी करता है, यथा-अपश्चिम मारणान्तिक संलेखना के समय साधक पौषधशाला की प्रतिलेखना करता है। प्रतिलेखना करके पौषधशाला का प्रमार्जन करता है। उसके बाद मल-मूत्र त्यागने की भूमि की प्रतिलेखना करता है। तत्पश्चात् गमनागमन क्रिया का प्रतिक्रमण करके उत्तर-पूर्व दिशा में मुख करके दर्भ संस्तारक
kestatestreksheskskskskske alesalesale sketchesksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksdastistestsleakske sakesekskskskskskage
षष्ठ अध्ययन : प्रत्याख्यान
// 192 // aaparamanarasaaraaparapparganagarpaganapar
Avashyak Sutra m anagerPATRIES