Kayotsarg Avashyak (Essential)
Exposition: Hey Bhagwan! Please allow me, I want to do the religious activities essential for the purification of day related expiation. I perform Kayotsarga.
Procédure: After it, recite "Namokar Mantra" once. Subsequently reciting the text of "Karemi Bhante", "Ichchamithami" and "Tass Uttari" gradually along with the contemplation the text of "Loguss" meditate "Kayotsarga". The meditation on the text of "Loguss" should be done four times at day and night repentance, eight times at fortnight, twelve at rainy season and twenty times at Samvatsari repentence. Complete the meditation practice after reciting "Namokar Mantra". After it according to the method narrated in the Salutation Chapter (Vandana Adhyan) reciting the "Ichchami Khamasamano" text twice finish the fifth essential.
||Fifth Chapter (Kayotsarg essential) Concluded ||
आवश्यक सूत्र
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Vth Chp.: Kayotsarg