15. Kumudgulm Vimans, 16. Nalin Vimans, 17. Nalingulm Vimans, 18. Pundrik Vimans, 19. Pundrikgulm Vimans, 20. Sahasaravatansak Vimans. These celestial beings have the life duration of eighteen Sagropama. They respirate or inhale and exhale once after the interval of eighteen half months means after nine months. These celestial beings desire to eat food once after eighteen thousand years. It has been said in respect of the Bhavsidhik (capable of salvation) beings that they would take eighteen births in future. After that they would attain salvation. They will attain liberation after annihilating all their accumulated Karmas of previous births. Ultimately they would destroy their all the miseries and sufferings.
।। अठारहवां समवाय समाप्त । ( The End of Eighteenth Samvaya )
उन्नीसवां समवाय The Nineteenth Samvaya
१३३-एगूणवीसं णायज्झयणा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा
'उक्खित्तणाए, 'संघाडे, अंडे, "कुम्मे अ, “सेलए। पतुंबे अ, रोहिणी, “मल्ली, 'मांगदी, चंदिमाति ।।१।। १"दावद्दवे, १२उदगणाए, १२मंडुक्के, “तेतली इ अ। १५नंदिफले, अवरकंका, आइण्णे, “सुसुमा इ ॥२॥
अवरे अ, १९पोण्डरीए णाए एगूणवीसइ मे। . ज्ञाताधर्मकथांग सूत्र के प्रथम श्रुतस्कन्ध के उन्नीस अध्ययन निरूपित हैं। यथा - १. उत्क्षिप्तज्ञात अध्ययन, २. संघाट अध्ययन, ३. अंड अध्ययन, ४. कूर्म अध्ययन, ५. शैलक अध्ययन, ६. तुम्ब अध्ययन, ७. रोहिणी अध्ययन, ८. मल्ली अध्ययन, ९. माकन्दी अध्ययन, १०. चन्द्रिमा अध्ययन, ११. दावद्रव अध्ययन, १२. उदक ज्ञात अध्ययन, १३. मंडूक अध्ययन, १४. तेतली अध्ययन, १५. नन्दिफल अध्ययन, १६. अपरकंका अध्ययन, १७. आकीर्ण अध्ययन, १८. सुंसुमा अध्ययन, १९. पुण्डरीकज्ञात अध्ययन ।
Nineteen chapters of the 1st Shrut Skandh (1st volume) of the Jnatya Dharam Kathang Sutra have been expounded as:- 1. Utkshipt Jnat chapter, 2. Sanghat chapter, 3. Egg chapter, 4. Koorm (Frog) chapter, 5. Shailak chapter, 6. Tumb (Gourd) chapter, 7. Rohini chapter, 8. Malli chapter, 9. Makandi chapter, 10. Chandrima chapter, 11. Davdravya chapter, 12. Udakjnat Adhyana,
उन्नीसवां समवाय
Samvayang Sutra