१४. गृद्धस्पृष्ट या गृध्रपृष्ठ मरण (गिद्ध-चील प्रभृति पक्षियों द्वारा मांस नोंच-नोंच कर खाए जाने पर | या मृत हाथी-ऊँट आदि के शरीर में प्रवेश कर अपने शरीर को गिद्धों आदि का भक्ष्य बनाकर मरने वाले जीवों का मरण), १५. भक्त प्रत्याख्यान मरण (संल्लेखना या संन्यास धारण कर मरने वाले मनुष्य का मरण), १६. इंगिनी मरण (ऐसा भक्तप्रत्याख्यानी जो दूसरों के द्वारा की जाने वाली वैयावृत्त्य का त्यागकर सामर्थ्यानुसार स्वयं ही प्रतिनियत देश में उठता-बैठता और अपनी सेवा-टहल करता है, उसका मरण), १७. पादपोपगमन मरण (महासाधु भक्त-पान का यावज्जीवन परित्याग कर, स्व-पर की वैयावृत्त्य का भी त्यागकर, कायोत्सर्ग, पद्मासन या मृतकासन आदि किसी आसन से आत्म चिन्तन करते हुए तदवस्थ रहकर प्राण त्यागना)।
Seventeen types of Death (maran) have been expounded. They are:-1. Avichi Maran (normal death), 2. Avadhi Maran (death within established norms), 3. Atyantic Maran (death after completing the life span as the hellish being at present and in future not to ever die as life of a hellish being, the present end of life of the jeeva, 4. Valan Maran (death not in a vowed condition), 5. Vashart Maran (to die under the influence of sufferings caused by of the senses, 6. Antah Shalya Maran (to die having some kid of stone or thorn like feeling in mind), 7. Tadbhava Maran (whatever kind of life is being living at present birth, to die after binding the Karmas, to be reincarnated as the same type of living beings in the next birth), 8. Bal Maran (the death of the living being of wrong belief and non-restraint), 9. Pandit Maran (the death of a right | perception living being), 10. Bal Pandit Maran (the death of a pleasures state of the fifth Gunsthan (spiritual purity place) of human being and the five sense animal being, 11. Chhadmast Maran (the death of the chhadmast (chhadmast means the death of jeeva is in any of the first twelve stages spiritual elevation i.e. one stage before the attainment of omniscient position (kewal gyan), 12. Kewali Maran (the death of the attainer of the stage of omniscient (kewal gyani) with four non obscuring karmas andthe destroyer of the miseries, 13. Vaihas Maran (to die after hanging himself with the branch of a tree or lying up with the loop of a rope, 14. Griddharsaprisht or Griddhaaprisht Death (death due to entering into or dead bodies of elephant, camel etc. and being eaten by the birds like vultures, eagles and other meat eaters, 15. Bhaktpratyakhyan Death (the death of a person who dies after observing the vows of Samlekhna (pure death or getting initiated in ascetic fold, 16. Ingni Death (the death of a person who abandoning the services offered by another colleague ascetic and performs all his daily activities according to his body strength through doing them living in the already designated place of worship by moving here and there), 17. Padopagaman Death (renouncing taking the food for good, renouncing all kinds of service offered by others and to keep by
सतरहवां समवाय
Samvayang Sutra