आत्मप्रवाद-पूर्व (आत्मा के अस्तित्व को सिद्ध कर अनेक नयों से उसके भेद-प्रभेदों का निरूपण), ८. कर्मप्रवाद-पूर्व (ज्ञानावरणादि कर्मों के अस्तित्व, भेद-प्रभेद एवं उदय - उदीरणादि विविध दशाओं का सविस्तार वर्णन ), ९. प्रत्याख्यान प्रवाद - पूर्व ( यम-नियम, उनके अतिचार और प्रायश्चित्त का * विस्तारपूर्वक विवेचन ), १०. विद्यानुवाद - पूर्व ( मन्त्र - तन्त्रों एवं रोहिणी आदि महाविद्याओं तथा अंगुष्ठ प्रश्नादि लघुविद्याओं की विधिपूर्वक साधना का विवेचन ), ११. अबन्ध्य-पूर्व (अतिशयों का, चमत्कारों का, तथा तीर्थंकर प्रकृति का बन्ध बाँधने वाली भावनाओं का निरूपण), १२. प्राणावाय-पूर्व (आयुर्वेद के अष्टांगों का विस्तृत विवेचन ), १३. क्रियाविशाल - पूर्व (विविध कलाओं का, मानसिक, वाचनिक और कायिक क्रिया का सभेद विस्तृत विवेचन), १४. लोकबिन्दुसार - पूर्व (लोक का स्वरूप, तथा मोक्ष के कारणभूत रत्नत्रय धर्म का सूक्ष्म विवेचन ) ।
Among the Jain Agams (holy scriptures), Drishtivad is twelveth canon. Fourteen Poorvas have been mentioned in Drishtivad as :-1.Utpad Poorva (taking the help of generation describing the modes of matters or substance), 2. Agrayaniya Poorva (taking the preinnate nature of the substance into consideration to describe living beings, 3. Potency Virya Pravad Poorva (the description of the potency power of the living beings), 4. Exist or not existing (asti-nasti) Pravad Poorvas (the definition of existence and non-existence mode of matter with regard of self substance and other substance), 5. Knowledge (Pravad) Poorva-the definition of types of Knowledge on the basis of sense based knowledge etc.), 6. Truth discourse (Pravad) Poorva (the elaborate investigation of truth, falsehood, restraint and non-restraint activities and their division and sub-division, 7. Soul discourse (Pravad) Poorva ( establishing the existence of soul to define its types and sub types on the basis of several a view points, 8. Karma discourse (Pravad) Poorva (an elaborate description of different states of the existence of knowledge obscuring Karmas their division and sub division, their types of function and subsidence, 9. Pratyakhyan ( renouncable discourse) Pravad Poorva (an elaborated illustration of vows, rules and norms, its transgressions and repentances or expiations, 10. Learning discourse Poorva (the definition of the systematic practice of talisman sorcery, the vast incarnation learning's of Rohini etc. and the learning of small spells regarding thumb questionnaire etc.), 11. The Poorva of unbounded activities (the definition of observances of Tirathankara-Name-Karma binding deeds miracles and extra qualities), 12. Poorva related to health (Pranavay) discourse & elaborate description of eight limbed Ayurveda (Indian medicine course), 13. Poorva of Artistic Activities (Kirya visual) An elaborate description of different kinds of arts alongwith its mental, physical and speech related types and sub types, 14. Poorva related to cosmos structure (lokabindusar) (A subtle description of the mode of the cosmos and three jeweled religion the cause of liberation).
चौदहवां समवाय
Samvayang Sutra