Without proper manners : The description of tying the utensils has been written Bin sutra no. 44 and 45 and the subject related to proper manner should have been
mentioned after these two sutras but here in sutra no. 43, the sutra proper manner is related to these four sutras i.e. 41-42 and 44-45.
The explanation of proper manners and mannerless
1. After completing the activities of patches and graft the place, where the activity has been performed should be cleansed.
2. Where the patches and grafts have been performed such arrangements should be made that the particles of the food get cleansed easily.
3. The activity of grafting be completed with in minimum time. All these should be considered proper decorum, otherwise it is mannerless.
The purpose of an ascetic should be such that he should beg for such a utensil that requires no improvement or further amendment in it. The purpose of sutra no. 41-42 and 44-45 is merely this that "whatever utensil is received by the ascetic it should be of direct use without the requirement of any amendment. If it is not so then only one and maximum only three ties might be used as per requirement.
The meaning of ties: To tie the utensils with thread to make it strong and perfect for its use upto a long period.
To ţie at single place is called "single tie" and to tie at three places is called "three ties.”
The clay utensil can be used without any tie, so there is no need to tie it. There is no need of even a single tie for a small wooden utensil. A big wooden utensil requires a single tie. Whereas the gourd utensils may requires two to three ties.
Aierega Bandhana. Sutras no. 44-45 clarify that if need arises the ascetic has been allowed to use upto three ties.
The three tied utensil can be used until it is usable. Generally the necessity of more than three ties is not required in any utensil. In sutra no. 46 the limited permission has been accorded only in peculiar situations that a utensil made of wood or gourd which is already tied thrice, has broken or substitute is not available then it can be with four and five ties. Immediately another utensil must be begged for and the utensil having more than three ties should be discarded without any delay. If it has been kept for more than a period of one and a half months duration then the expiation comes to the ascetic as mentioned in sutra no. 46.
प्रथम उद्देशक
First Lesson