घर 2. If Shayya, Sanstarak has been accepted for a limited duration and are not sought * for the period till the end of the Chaturmas then it must be done on this day.
3. If the hair of head, beard and moustache are grown equal to the pores of the cow then it must be tonsured because the hair equal to pores can be tonsured by holding in the hand.
4. The Chauvihari fast must be observed on the day of Samvatshree.
Through not abiding by the codes of conduct as mentioned above the ascetic becomes liable of expiation. Only following these laws is said, observing Paryushana.
Besides it, pondering over the consistency or inconsistency of restraint of the year to observe specials religious awareness as criticism, repentance and forgiveness, is the day of Paryushana. The word "Paryushan" for such a day has been used in holy scriptures (Agamas).
In Swetamber traditions for such kind of practices, the eighth day including the seven days has been termed "Paryushana" and particularly the eighth day has been named “Samvatshree". Actually, according to Agamas the day of Samvatshree is the day of “Paryushan”. The remaining seven days are mode of the introduction of “Paryushana" In Digamber traditions an order to do spiritual practice continuously for ten days, during Paryushan Parva days is propounded with passage of time. On tenth day the propitiation
of Samvatshree Parva (Anant Chaturdarshi) has been considered as Paryushan day. घर पर्युषणाकल्प गृहस्थ को सुनाने का प्रायश्चित्त
THE ATONEMENT OF TELLING THE LAWS OF ASCETIC CONDUCT (PARYUSHANA KALP) TO THE HOUSEHOLDER 40. जे भिक्खू अण्णउत्थियं वा गारत्थियं वा पज्जोसवेइ, पज्जोसवेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 40. जो भिक्षु अन्यतीर्थिक या गृहस्थ को पर्युषणाकल्प (साधु-समाचारी) सुनाता है अथवा सुनाने
वाले का समर्थन करता है। (उसे गुरुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) घरे 40. The ascetic who tells the laws of ascetic conduct (Paryushana Kalpa) to the
householder or the non-believer or supports the ones who tells so, a Guru-Chaumasi
expiation comes to him. सूरे वर्षाकाल में वस्त्र ग्रहण करने का प्रायश्चित्त
THE ATONEMENT OF ACCEPTING CLOTHS DURING "CHATURMAS" 41. जे भिक्खू पढमसमोसरणुद्देसे-पत्ताइंचीवराई पडिग्गाहेइ, पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ।
तंसेवमाणे आवज्जइ चाउम्मासियं परिहार-ठाणं अणुग्घाइयं। 12 41. जो भिक्षु चातुर्मासकाल प्रारम्भ हो जाने पर भी वस्त्र ग्रहण करता है अथवा करने वाले का
समर्थन करता है। इन 41 सूत्रोक्त स्थानों का सेवन करने पर गुरुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।
सातारातार साततिरतिर
दसवाँ उद्देशक
Tenth Lesson