The ascetic who stays, studies, eats-food, water, sweet and tasty items in the Dharamshala, garden abode, at the house of a householder or at humitage with a solitary woman, goes for discarding the excreta and urine etc. or tells the sexual stories which are not worthy to be told by the ascetic or supports the ones who tells
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman at the staying place near the city, staying house near the city, innnearcity, cities of kings, the staying places of departure time, abodes, and Dharamshala and tells the sexual stories which are not worthy to be told by an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so.
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman in the upper house of an enclosure, the lattice window of enclosure the path between the enclosure and city, enclosure, city gate, or between the place of two gates or tells the sexual stories which are not worthy to be told by an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so.
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman at the water entering way of pond, at the water carrying way of the pond, at the bank of a pond, at the water carring way of the pond, at the bank of a pond or at the pond or tells the sexual stories which are not worthy to be told by an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so.
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman in desolate house, desolate home, ruined building dilapidated home, hut and granary or tells useless sexual stories, or supports the ones who tells so.
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman in straw store, straw home, the husk store of paddy etc, husk house and pulses chaff store or tells sexual stories not worthy of an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so.
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman in garage, port, vehicles repair stores or tells sexual stories not worthy of an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so. The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman in shops, kiosks, lime making places or lime producing homes and tells sexual stories that are not worthy of an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so.
The ascetic who stays with a solitary woman in cow shelters, cow homes, big homes or tells the sexual stories those are not worthy of an ascetic or supports the ones who tells so, a Guru-chaumasi expiation comes to him.
विवेचन- - इन सभी सूत्रोक्त स्थानों में तथा अन्य किसी भी स्थान में साधु को अकेली स्त्री के साथ बातचीत करना, खड़े रहना आदि नहीं करना चाहिए। स्त्री संसर्ग को दशवैकालिक सूत्र में तालपुटविष की उपमा दी गई है और शतायु स्त्री के साथ भी संसर्ग करने का निषेध किया गया है।
Comments-It is not desirable for ascetics to stay or to talk with a solitary woman at any place or places mentioned in above 9 sutras. The woman's attachment (Union) is similar to dangerous poison, according to the sutra of Dasvaikalik, and union with the woman of one hundred years old is also prohibited.
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra