812. जो भिक्षु स्त्री के साथ मैथुन सेवन के संकल्प से मूषक आदि के चर्म से निष्पन्न वस्त्र यावत् र अनेक प्रकार के आभरणों से युक्त वस्त्र पहनता है अथवा पहनने वाले का समर्थन करता है।
(À TEGETA RET 31761) 10. The ascetic with the contemplation of sexual intercourse with a woman weaves
the garments mentioned below or supports the ones who weaves so 1. The garments to be made of the rat's skin. 2. Fine textured garments. 3. Fine textured and decorated garments. 4. The garments made of goat's fur.
Garments made of Indian Nilavarani cotton. 6. The garments made of common cotton.
The garments made of the special cotton “Dugubal tree" found in goud country. 8. The garment made of bark of “Tirid Tree". 9. The garments made of leaves of sandalwood found in Mountain Malaya.
10. The garments made of leaves of the fibre of fine-hair. · 11. The garments made of pulp of “Dugul Tree".
12. The very fine garments made in china. 13. The colourful garments made in different countries. 14.. The garments made in Rome. 15. The garments produce sound while walking. 16. The garments clean like a crystal. 17. The special garments named “Katro- Varka" 18. Blanket. 19. The special blanket- Kharadaga Parigadi, Pavaraga." 20. The garment made of the skin of crocodile of sindhu state. 21. The garments made of the animal having fine skin of Sindhu State. 22. The garments making the fine pasmi of the animal. 23. The garments made of the skin of black buck. 24. The garments made of the skin of blue buck. 25. The garments made of the skin of brown buck. 26. The golden garment embedded with gold string. 27. The garments whose side are embroided with gold string. 28. The garments made of golden strip. 29. The garments made of golden embroidery. 30. The garments made of the golden ebbed flower. 31. The garments made of the skin of tiger.
सातवाँ उद्देशक
Seventh Lesson