जैनत्व जागरण.......
emerging in Egypt. There are even indications that Reshel was worshipped as far away as Spain.
To the Egyptians, Reshef, was, a god of war and pestilence associated with their own Montu. The pharaohs of the Eighteenth Dynasty were warrious and hunters and Reshefs warlike nature would have made him important to those rulers. His primary cult center at the Egyptian capital of Memphis serves as evidence of his importance to the royal family though he was likely worshipped through out Egypt's eastern frontier as well. He was believed to live in an area on the east bank of the "Valley of Reshep."
Reshef was more than a simple thunder and war god. He was also known as a deity approachable by ordinary people as well as by rulers. He was honoured for answering prayers, and used his destructive power against human diseases of all types. His healing abilities were specially valued at Dair el-Medina, where he was also as the patron of honesty.
Although he might be considered a relative latecomer to the Egyptian pantheon Reshef was held in high esteem by the Egyptians. Universal balance of good and evil was of paramount importance of the Egyptians, so it is not surprising that Reshef's nature contained power over both death and health. He well deserved his place among the complex pantheon of Egyptian gods.
Canaanite Deity या हिब्रू देवताओं में ऋषभदेव को ऋषभ रेसफ, रेशेफ कहते थे । यहीं से इनकी पूजा का प्रचलन Ugrait में नरगल और ग्रीस में अपोलो के नाम से होने लगा । Israel का प्राचीन शहर Arshef आज हजारों वर्षों बाद भी उनके नाम को जीवन्त रखे हुए है । Rishaf is listed as the divinities of the cities of Atanni, Gunu, Tunip and Shechem in the name of Ra-Sa-ap. He is chief God of Elbia. Jewish Historian Josephus Flavius ने लिखा है कि तेल अबीब से