stra GIMTU.....
In 200 B. C., under the influence of Jain Shramans, the Jews formed a civilized race called Essenese, who believed in teachings of "Ahimsa.'
These followers of Essenese subsently believed in teachings of 'Ahimsa.'
These followers of Essenese subsequently shaped the initial foresight of the Christian and Islamic religion H. Spencer Lewis observes “In recent years the dead sea scrolls have confirmed the authors references to the essenese and their secret teachings which preceded Christianity.” he understands that during the time of Jesus Christ, they had a very large following. According to Strabrow, the Greek writer, “many advanced philosophers like Socrates and other religious leaders, would often come there to offer their respects and seek advice from them.” Historian, Yusuf, is of the opinion that philosophers, like Pythagoras and Stoic gained their True Knowledge of wisdom from them. The establishment of Church with it religious order of clergy was the result of these followings.
8800 s. yo # fe2154 155139 37 Ram say II wo ala a tifa के सबसे प्राचीन लिखित दस्तावेज मिले हैं। इसमें संधि की शर्तों के साथ हिटाइट dani3ii a 14 FEHTË 29969 al 19 ft From the closing sentence of the treaty which Rameses II concluded with the Kheta (Hittites), it even seems that Reshab and Anat was worshipped in many towns in the Hittites Kingdom.” çfaela लेखक युसुफ के अनुसार युनान के पाइथागोरस और स्टोइक दार्शनिकों ने अपने अनेक सिद्धान्त इन्हीं से सीखे थे । ईसाई धर्म में मठों और महन्तों की प्रभा भी इनसे ही ली गयी है। यहूदियों के धार्मिक ग्रन्थों में ऋषभदेव da qufa fucian Some old testamen passages Indicate.. Among the pre Israelitish inhabitants of the these Anakites were identical with or closely related to the Rephain or