Madhyamika dialectician on the other1. 'The Vijñānavāda School....has developed its idealism by the criticism of the Sautrāntika while its absolutism has come from the Madhyamika"2.
In the way the Mahāyāna presupposes the Hinayana and accepts its various concepts às forming its background and the basis for its further direction of development, the Yogacara system of Maitreyanatha and Asanga presupposes the Vaibhāṣika dharma-theory along with its subjective criticism by the Sauträntika1 who does not recognise the objective reality of the visible world, rather he pleads the semi-real entity of the phenomenal dharmas (artha) that are inferred by their very appearance (ākāra)5.
1. cf. T.R.V. Murti, CPB, p. 55-59, 66-67; A.K. Chatterji, The Yogacara Idealism, ch. I; C. D. Sharma, Intro. to MVS, 5 sq.
2. Sharma, ibid, p. 7; he further remarks 'The later formulation of Vijñānavāda by Dinnaga, Dharmakirti and Santarakṣita, should be designated Suatantrika Vijñānavada on account of its giving up the basic absolutism of the earlier Vijñānavāda and developing on indepenent lines; it is also called swatantrika-yogācāra because of its fusing the critical realism of the Saurtantika with the idealism of the Yogacara." p. 7.
3. Cf. R. Kimura, JDL,X (A Historical Study of the Terms Mahāyāna and Hinayana etc.,) p. 45 sq., part I (ch. I-II).
4. See, Chatterjee, ibid. loc. cit.
5. Vide, Manameyodaya, p. 300; cp. also.
अर्थो ज्ञानसमन्वितो मतिमता वैभाषिकेणोच्यते प्रत्यक्षो न हि बाह्यवस्तुविसरः सौत्रान्तिकैराश्रितः । योगाचा रमतानुगैरभिमता साकारबुद्धिः परा Ħrqfà aa Ħ8q41: Hafuq: zazqi qzi sifazą ́||
(contd. on p. xcv)