cited as a few examples which illustrate the versatility of our author.1
In addition to all these, Asanga had an access to the works of other Mahayana thinkers and philosophers, such as Nāgārjuna, Āryadeva and of his own preceptor, Maitreyanatha which were also commented upon by him. In diction and style, he took much inspiration from Nāgārjuna and Āryadeva also. Maitreya's influence was more doctrinal than stylistic. The Śūnyata doctrine of Nagarjuna's system was incorporated in Asanga's philosophy and his interpretation of the pratītyasamutpāda and anātma-vāda were wholly taken by Asanga, the foremost of the Yogacăra philosophers2. The DBS, the Mahāprajñāparāmitāśāstra and Vaidalyaprakaraṇa of Nagarjuna may also be said to have influenced the Mahāyānic and the logical aspects of the works and the philosophy of Asanga.
Asanga's works also show some knowledge of the art of war (dhanurveda), various kinds of the defence of state, several sorts of sculptures, vyāyāma and different aspects of social order3. All this shows the versatility of our author who not only had a comprehensive knowledge of the Buddhist lore, but was equally conversant with other branches of knowledge also.
1. For references, see infra, ‘Asanga and Ayurveda', pp. 74-79.
2. For details, see infra, ff. 10.
3. See, infra, section on the Cultural Account.