logical tendencies of the day. The Vādālamkāra, Vādanigraha, Vāda-niḥsarana and Vāde bahukarāḥ dharmāḥ discussed under the title 'hetu-vidyā' in the Cintāmayi bhūmi present a comprehensive account of the logical tendencies in Buddhism in the light of the Brahmanic thinking? The Vāda-nigraha and Vāde bahukarāḥ dharmāḥ may be compared to the various padārthas enumerated in the Nyāya Sūtras, such as dặşțānta, chala, nigraha-sthāna, jalpa and vitaņdā. Asanga has given, for the first time in the history of Buddhist Nyāya, the definition, classification, and elucidation of the three means of Valid proof (pramāṇas) which were later on analysed and detailed by Vasubandhu, Dinnāga and Dharmakirti. His refutation of the Isvarakāraņavāda of the Naiyāyikas? was later on developed into a polemic by Ratnakīrti, Jõānaśrīmitra and Kalyāṇarakṣita
Apart from the Buddhist lore, Asanga was equally conversant with and had an unquestioned mastery over the Vedic and Upanișadic works also. His knowledge of the various aspects of Ayurveda was superb. The discussions and elaboration of the various stages of the embryo and the quantity of food, bhojanavipāka, the different kinds of food and their respective defects as well as the enumeration of diseases and the various causes of immature death may be
1. For detailed references, See ff. 12, pp. 72-8. 2. YBS, 1.144 sq.; ŚBh., p. 381 sq.