side and hence the Sanskrit text is incomplete here also.
(e) Similarly, after 1B-6 and before the beginning of 1A-7(1) and after 1B-10(7) and before 2 A-11(1) a portion of the text seems to be missing.
Intrusions: The following folios do not contain the text of the SBh., which are supposed to be inserted in the basic MS. from which the present MS. was copied out1. These folios contain the portions of the text of other bhūmis as listed below
1.1 a portion of the Cintamayibhūmi from its Abhiprayikārthagāthāvyavasthāna (3B-5)
2.4 (last portion)
5.1-5.6, first part of 5-A7(5) 15.2 Pratyekabuddhabhumi
15.3, 15.5
15.4, 15.6
Besides these, the leaves of the beginning portion of the MS. are wrongly arranged in the photograph which seems due only to the wrong arrangement of the leaves of the basic MS. from which the present MS. was copied out. Prof. A. Wayman has suggested a rearrangement of the first twenty leaves of the present text, which may be accepted here with slight modifications. He suggests the following order of leaves :
1. ASM, ch. I, p. 1 sq.