manner the theory expounded by the author. The author is very modest about his performance. He only wants to make an easy commentary on the text which will help the ordinary students as the scholarly treatises are not easy for them.
The Pramāņavārttika text is very difficult. Dharmakirti wants to put all his hard thinking into a few words. Often the context becomes more complicated by the words appearing in a scattered way. Though the Tibetan translation of P.V. would have been a great help to the study of the Sanskrit text. But for those who do not know Tibetan, the text would have been very difficult to understand, if the present commentary had not been discovered. In view of the usefulness of the commentary, I wonder why this work was never translated into Tibetan. Who knows whether they might not have been proposing to make a translation of it? But translating activities came to an end soon after the destruction of the Buddhist institutions in India since the flow of Indian scholars towards Tibet stopped: In my search of Sanskrit manuscripts in Tibet I discovered several important treatises on Buddhist logic and philosophy and even a manuscript of Kāvyaprakāśa which were meant for translation but was never accomplished.
The order of chapters here, is (i) Pramāṇasiddhi (ii) Pratyakşa (iii) Svārthānumāna (iv) Parārthānumāna, which is natural. While the order of chapters found in many Sanskrit and Tibetan MSS. is (i) Svārthā
स्वयमपि कृतिनां महद्भिरन्यैरपि गमितो बहुविस्तरैन्न योयम् । तदपि च सुगमो न मद्विधानामिति विवृतिच्छलतः करोमि चिन्ताम् ।