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## Dharmadikari - Discussion on the 35 Qualities of a Marganusari
**Yoga Shastra Pratham Prakash Shloka 46 to 56**
| Klesh - Kalha happens, and one gets hell even in the afterlife. 1 The benefits of a pure, noble, and chaste housewife coming into a family are: 1. She protects the bride, 2. She gives birth to good sons and makes them cultured, 3. There is unbroken peace in her mind, 4. She keeps the household well-organized, 5. She protects the purity of the family traditions, 6. She ensures proper respect for Gods, Guru, guests, relatives, friends, etc. in the house. Similarly, the ways to protect the bride are: 1. To assign her household duties, 2. To give her appropriate wealth, 3. To prevent her from being free and not to encourage her towards independence, 4. To give her maternal affection like that of a woman in the group of women and teach her to behave in the same way.
4. Papbhiru - One who is afraid of sins due to visible and invisible suffering is called Papbhiru. He commits sins like theft, adultery, gambling, etc., which are well-known (seven vices) and cause direct harm in this world. They are the cause of worldly ironies. It is said in the scriptures that one has to suffer immense pain due to drinking alcohol. These are the indirect causes of harm.
5. Follower of the Famous Customs - A good householder should not easily abandon the traditional dress, language, attire, food, etc., which are accepted by the noble people and have been followed for a long time. He should follow the various customs and practices prevalent in his entire clan, which are accepted by them. By violating the customs of the country or caste, a person becomes an object of hatred and a cause of misfortune for the people of that country and caste.
6. Not Being a Varnawadi - Varnawad means criticism. A good householder should not criticize anyone, whether the person is low, middle, or high. Criticizing others will lead to hatred, malice, and animosity in the mind, and it will also increase many other faults. By criticizing others and praising oneself, a person commits a low-caste karma, which manifests in many births. This low-caste karma does not leave even after millions of births. Thus, when general social criticism is harmful, then what to say about the criticism of kings, ministers, priests, etc., who are accepted by the majority? Therefore, one should especially avoid criticizing such special people, as it immediately leads to adverse consequences.
7. The Place of Residence of a Good Householder - The house where a good householder lives should not have many doors, as having many doors leads to fear of theft, adultery, etc. Therefore, while prohibiting many doors, it is said that a householder should live in a house with fewer doors and a secure house, and the house should be in a suitable place. Where there is no pile of bones, no sharp thorns, and where there is a lot of grass, plants, corals, plants, and lush vegetation around the house. Where the soil is of good color and fragrant, where the water is tasty, such a place is considered auspicious. The merits and demerits of a place can be known by the power of Shakun Shastra, Swapna Shastra, or the scriptures on that subject. Similarly, the place is described in more detail: 'That house should not be too exposed and not too hidden. Being too exposed, i.e., being in a completely open place, increases the possibility of trouble. And being too hidden, being surrounded by houses on all sides, hides the beauty of the house. It is very difficult to escape from such a house in case of fire. Then what kind of place should it be? So it is said that the third thing to look at in relation to the house is the presence of good, virtuous neighbors. Bad or dirty neighbors, who will be near the house, their conversation will be heard, and their behavior will be seen.
1. A girl who has broken her chastity with male friends in the present and has not purified herself by doing penance is considered a bad woman. This statement applies to a girl who has broken her chastity willingly.