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## The Nature of Darshan and Charitra Ratna
**Yoga Shastra, First Light, Verses 17-18**
**Verse 16:**
Like the sun that destroys darkness, like an extraordinary eye that illuminates the elements of the world, and like a net that subdues the deer-like senses, this right knowledge (Samyakgyan) is.
**Verse 17:**
Now, regarding the second Darshan Ratna, it is said:
> **"Ruchir Jinoktatattveshu, Samyak Shraddhanamuchyate. Jayate Tannisargena Guror Adhigamen Va."**
Having interest in the principles spoken by the Jineshwara Bhagwan is called Samyak Shraddha. This Samyak Shraddha arises naturally (from one's nature) or through the teachings of the Guru Maharaj (Adhigam).
Having interest in the principles of Jiva and other elements as spoken by Jineshwara is Samyak Shraddha (Darshan). Without Samyak Shraddha, there is no attainment of liberation. Even knowing the nature of vegetables, grains, etc., without interest, a person cannot obtain satisfaction or taste from them. Angaramardak, etc., who have Shrutagyan, but are Abhavya or Durbhavyas, do not have interest in Jinoktatattva, so they cannot obtain the true fruits of tapasya and other practices. This Samyak Darshan is of two types:
1. **Nisarga Samyaktv:** This is the natural Samyaktv that arises without the teachings of the Guru Maharaj.
2. **Adhigam Samyaktv:** This is the Samyaktv that arises through the teachings of the Guru Maharaj or by seeing an image, pillar, woman, or any other object.
In the whirlpool of the endless cycle of birth and death, the covering of knowledge (Gyanavaran), covering of vision (Darshanavaran), Vedaniya, and Antarayakarma are attached to the Jivas. The highest state of these karmas is 30 kotikot (trillions) of sagaropama. The highest state of Gotra and Namakarma is 20 kotikot, and the highest state of Mohaniyakarma is 70 kotikot sagaropama. In this state, just as many rough stones become round on their own as they roll and collide in a river flowing from a mountain, similarly, the state of each karma naturally decreases due to the combination of its own results. When only one kotikot sagaropama state remains, then each worldly being, due to the combination of Yathapravrittikaran, comes close to the Granthi-Pradesh. The results of attachment and aversion, which are very difficult to break, are called Granthi. It is like the original knot of the Rayan, which is very difficult to cut. Even the being who has reached the Granthi-Pradesh, due to being influenced by attachment, etc., again binds the highest state of karma and as a result, wanders in the four gatis. Among them, there are Bhavyas who will attain liberation in the future. They manifest their Mahavirya and break through the Granthi, which is difficult to break, just as a traveler crosses a long path and quickly reaches his desired destination. This is called Apurvakaran. After this, by doing Anivrittikaran, they break the groups of Mithyatva, which are capable of being broken, and at that very moment, they attain the Aupashmik Samyak Darshan, which is in the state of Antarmuhurt. This Samyak Darshan is called Nisarga Samyaktv. Ordinary beings attain Samyak Darshan through the teachings of the Guru Maharaj or through some kind of support. This is called Adhigam Samyaktv. This Samyak Darshan is like medicine for Yama and Prasham, and it is the cause of knowledge, character, and Shruta, etc. Even if Samyaktv is devoid of knowledge and character, it is still praiseworthy. But knowledge and character contaminated by the poison of Mithyatva are not praiseworthy. Even without knowledge and character, Emperor Shrenik, due to the influence of Samyaktv, earned the Tirthankara name karma, which is like an incomparable treasure of happiness. It is like a boat for those who are drowning in the ocean of the world. It is like a fire that burns the forest of suffering. Therefore, one should accept (obtain) the gem of Samyak Darshan.
**Verse 18:**
Now, the third Charitra Ratna is described:
> **"Sarva Savadya Yoganan, Tyagash Charitramishyate. Kirtitam Tadahinsadi Vratabheden Panchadha."**
Abandoning all sinful (Sadosha) actions is called Charitra. This Charitra is said to be of five types, according to the difference of vows like Ahimsa, etc.
Knowingly abandoning all Savadya, sinful actions of mind, speech, and body is called Charitra.