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## Description of Ajiva and Ashrava Tattva
**Yoga Shastra, First Light, Verse 16**
(8) The eighth Gunasthanaka, called A-poorvakarana, is where the karma of A-poorva-sthiiti is destroyed. From this Gunasthanaka, two categories begin: Upshama श्रेणी and Kshapaka श्रेणी.
(9) The Gunasthanaka of a Sadhaka who internally pacifies (Upshant) the results of gross Kashaya that have arisen is called Nivritti-badar.
(10) The ninth Gunasthanaka, called Anivritti-badar, is where there is no internal pacification (Upshama) of the results through effort. Both categories remain in this Gunasthanaka.
(11) The tenth Gunasthanaka, called Sukshma-Samparaya-Gunasthanaka, is where the Kashaya of Lobha exists in a subtle form. Both categories are present here.
(12) The eleventh Gunasthanaka, called Upshant-Moha, is where Moha is in a pacified state, but not completely destroyed.
(13) The twelfth Gunasthanaka, called Ksheen-Moha, is where Moha is completely destroyed (nirmool).
(14) The thirteenth Gunasthanaka, called Sayogi-Kevali, is where the four Ghatis (Ghatis that destroy Atma-gunas: Jnana-avareeniya, Darshan-avareeniya, Mohaniya, and Antaray) are destroyed.
(15) The fourteenth Gunasthanaka, called A-yogi-Kevali, is where the yoga of Man, Vachan, and Kaya is destroyed, and where the remaining Vedaniya, Nama, Gotra, and Aayushya karmas, which are called Aghati, are also destroyed. This is how the nature of the Jiva-tattva is understood in brief.
Dharma-astikaya, Adharma-astikaya, Akasha-astikaya, Pudgala-astikaya, and Kala are called Ajiva. The Sarvagnas have combined these five with Jiva to form the concept of Shad-dravya. Except for Kala, all the other substances gather in the form of Pradesh; therefore, they are Dravya-swaroop, and except for Jiva, the rest of the Dravyas are considered to be devoid of consciousness and inactive. Kala is devoid of Astikaya. Except for Pudgala-astikaya, the rest of the Dravyas are considered to be intangible or formless. All these Dravyas are born, destroyed, and remain stable. The characteristic of Pudgala is that it has touch, taste, smell, and color. There are two types of Pudgala: Anuroop and Skandh-roop. Anuroop is very subtle, and a group of infinite Anuroop is called Skandh. Skandh is called Pudgala-Skandh when it has form like smell, sound, subtlety, grossness, etc., and when it gives darkness, heat, light, division, shadow, Karma-vargana, Audarik-adi body, mind, language-vargana, breathing, pleasure-pain, and helps in life and death. Dharma-astikaya, Adharma-astikaya, and Akasha-astikaya are all three separate Dravyas. These three Dravyas are always intangible, inactive, and stable. There are countless Pradesh of one Jiva-dravya. There are as many Pradesh of Dharma-astikaya and Adharma-astikaya as there are Pradesh of Lokakasha. There are neither more nor fewer Pradesh in these two. Just as water helps aquatic creatures to move in water, similarly, Dharma-astikaya helps Jiva or Ajiva to move around. Just as shade helps a traveler to be stable, similarly, Adharma-astikaya helps Jiva and Pudgala to become stable. Akasha-astikaya is that which gives space (place) to Jivas and Pudgalas, remaining stable in its own place. It is infinite-Pradesh-swaroop, and it pervades both Lok and Alok.
Kala is a Dravya different from the Dravyas that reside in the Pradesh of Lokakasha; it is that which is capable of changing substances. For example, making the new old, making a young man old; all this is the work of Kala. In astrology, time, pal, vipal, ghadi, muhurta, prahar, day, night, month, year, yuga, etc., which are words that indicate time, are all considered to be the result of Kala. Those who know the essence of Kala have called it Vyavharik Kala. Substances that are called new, old, etc., keep changing in the world; all this is the power of Kala. Due to Kala, the present substance gets the name of the past, and the future substance gets the name of the present. In this way, Ajiva-tattva is complete.
The entry of Karma-roop water into the Jiva-roop reservoir through the yoga of Man, Vachan, and Kaya is called Ashrava. Shubh-karma