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In the Nigodas and the Tiryanchas, the women with buttocks, cruel in their actions, should not create a husband or a son. They should not perform useless acts like scratching, itching, bending, etc. They should not desire to take what belongs to others. Because of the importance of possessions, they are immersed in the beginning of possessions, the life-force of conduct, the cause of doubt about life. The living being, due to its greed for other living beings, has fallen, forgotten, lost. To cross the boundless ocean, one should say, "I am afraid of the obstruction of the world," or "This is the seed of the world." The fearful, with a troubled mind, in the presence of honey and in the sacrifice, should not be attached to the mind, nor should they be attached to time. The mind is one thing, the speech is another. The wise, who are the bearers of the great vows, should be like a mother to all beings, mixing their flesh.
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Friends, sons, and wives are instructed by false vision. Even though they say, "Die," they are consumed by the objects of the senses. Animals are created for the sake of sacrifice. Those who have the idea of God and Goddess, those who have done cruel deeds, those who are born from the womb of women, weapons, threads, etc., those who give fearlessness to beings, those who are born of blood, subtle worms, beautiful in appearance, with a beautiful body, virtuous, deceitful, cruel, harmless in the forest,
Better is a burning fire,
Better is a heretic, a Charvaka, even though the world is conquered by his strength,
Better is restraint from gross violence,
The world is trusting, foolish, peaceful, compassionate,
Peace, emotion, detachment,
It is heard that by killing a living being, doubt, desire, and uncertainty arise. Castration, cutting off the senses, six months of eating flesh, even of the virtuous,
He who has sexual intercourse with a woman,
From attachment, there arises instability, influence, devotion, the roots of right conduct,
There are three kinds of treasures for him,
Even if he is attached, if he is a god,
He makes an effort to protect his wife,
She who abandons her husband,
Whatever is against all the worlds, whatever is the taking away of all possessions, bondage,
The omniscient, who has conquered attachment, etc.,
All those who desire everything,
Even if they are related, they should be restrained,
For a year, with a cow,
The root of the world, the beginning of the sacrifice, which lasts for a long time, day and night,
Violence arises to obstruct the wife,
The root of knowledge and conduct,
The third illumination, without making a rule,
To put on the chain of virtues,
Burning with charcoal,
From the moment after the charcoal, the forest, the cart,
The thread-spoken of the infinite body,
Food for ghosts, demons, etc.,
He who allows, he who is cruel,
A multitude of animals, even if eaten for medicine,
Not obtaining other food,
Arise, then, these should be abandoned from eating,
Always eating meat, at the end of the day,
Arttaraudra meditation,
Moist root, even if it is whole,
Mixed with raw milk,
Taking a seat with devotion,
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Thus, the daily routine, the coming and going of the non-self, the non-self, is summarized here in this world and in the next world.
Giving up, taking,
Udumbar, Vat,
Owl, crow, cat,
Even for one living being,
One crore of flowers, thus, with devotion, standing in the vow,
A bracelet, a piece of wood,
He who performs restraint is blessed,
Body, speech, mind,
Out of curiosity, singing, playing, oneself,
Some eat meat out of great delusion, anger, bondage,
Even householders are blessed,
With eyes closed by terrible darkness,
Four-footed, fourth, etc.,
Fallen, born among humans,
Of moving and non-moving beings,
He who eats flesh, etc.,
The world of painted and unpainted trees, leaves, etc., attacking,
Fruit, flower, mixed with animals,
Born, initiated, knowledgeable, freed from the Jain religion,
The Jina, the god, grace, religion,
Playing in water, swinging, etc.,
Then, at the time of twilight,
Then, having returned,
Then, in the anointing of the teachers,
Then, the midday offering,
Abandoning the company of bad habits,
Abandoning the four kinds of food,
Abandoning attachment, old clothes,
Abandoning Arttaraudra meditation, abandoning the three kinds of light, the radiant sun,
In sesame seeds, mustard seeds, lentils, water, teeth, nails, hair, ten kinds of things,
Giving, four kinds of food,
A bad state of existence,
||139|| ||79||
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