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## Knowledge of Time through Omens
**From Yoga Shastra, Fifth Light, Verses 177 to 185:**
**Meaning:** According to the method described by the Guru Maharaj, by using the Vidya (knowledge), the image of a deity, etc., can be invoked on a mirror, thumb, wall, or sword, etc., through proper rituals. By asking questions, the time (death) can be determined. (173) During a solar or lunar eclipse, one should chant the Vidya "Om Naravire Thah Thah Swaha" 10,800 times to make it potent. (174) When using this Vidya, one should chant it 1,080 times to invoke it on the mirror, sword, etc. (175) Then, a young, innocent girl should be shown the mirror, etc. When the girl sees the form of the deity in it, one should ask her about the lifespan and determine the outcome. Alternatively, the deity, attracted by the qualities of a virtuous seeker, will reveal the lifespan related to the three times (past, present, and future) without any doubt. (173-176)
Now, five verses describe the knowledge of time through omens:
**Or, one should know from omens whether a person is healthy or sick, whether it is from oneself or from another, whether it is inside the house or outside.** (177)
**Snakes, scorpions, worms, rats, lizards, ants, lice, bedbugs, spiders, termites, and honey-colored ants, when they appear in large numbers, indicate anxiety, distress, illness, or death.** (178-179)
**When a crow pecks at shoes, an elephant, a horse, or any other mount, or at an umbrella, weapon, shadow, body, or hair, then death is near.** (180)
**If cows with tear-filled eyes dig the earth deeply with their feet, then illness or death will befall their owner.** (181)
**Other ways to know the time:**
**This omen has been described for a healthy person. Now, the omen for a sick person is described.** (182)
**Omens related to dogs for a sick person:**
**If a dog, while the sick person is observing omens related to his lifespan, turns to the south and licks its anus, then the person will die in one day. If it licks the heart, then in two days, and if it licks the tail, then in three days.** (183)
**If, at the time of the omen, the dog lies down, contracting its entire body, or flaps its ears, or twists and shakes its body, then the sick person will die.** (184)
**If the dog lies down with its mouth open, drooling, with closed eyes, and contracting its body, then there is no doubt that the sick person will die.** (185)
**Now, two verses describe the omens of crows:**