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## Stability of Mind Remains Such an Asana
Yoga Shastra, Fourth Light, Verses 134-135 | Twenty prefixes were done on them. The Lord had borne them with equanimity. And lying on one side, upward-facing, downward-facing or sideways-facing is an asana. And lying down long like a staff, straightening the body and both thighs and legs | It is to remain stable by lengthening or widening. And Lagudshayitv is called that, in which the head and both ankles touch the ground, but the body remains suspended from the ground and Samasansthan - in which the part in front of the heel and the foot both | Bending and pressing against each other and Duryodhasana is called that, in which the head is placed on the ground and the feet are kept high, it is also called Kapalikaranasana. In the same way, if you do Padmasana with two thighs, it is called Dandapadmasana. In which the left foot is rotated and placed in the middle of the right thigh and the right foot is rotated and placed in the middle of the left foot, | It is called Swastikasana. What happens by the yoga of Yogapattak is Sopashrayasana. And Kaunch - Nishadana, Hans - Nishadana, | Garuda - Nishadana etc. asanas are from sitting in a position similar to the sitting position of those birds (those shaped). Thus, the method of asana is not systematic. This means that the methods of asana are of many kinds. || 133 || | 460. Jayate Yena Yeneha Vihiten Sthiran Manah. Tattadeva Vidhatavyam, Asanam Dhyana-Sadhanam || 134 ||
Meaning: - Whatever asana is used to make the mind steady, that asana should be used as a means of meditation. In this, one should only do such an asana, there is no such restriction. || 134 || Explanation: - Those who have calmed the sins, such karma-free sages have attained the supreme knowledge of the self in all kinds of countries, times and efforts. Therefore, the scriptures do not mention any rules for countries, times and efforts, i.e., asanas. Just as there is samadhi in yoga, one should try in the same way. | This statement of asanas, which has been made, is not meaningless. Because for the image-makers, there is a provision for doing asana according to the rules, and in the eighth image out of the twelve bhikshu-images, the rule of asana is also mentioned. It is like this - lying down with the face upwards or lying down by turning sideways or sitting or lying down straight. While sleeping, sitting or standing in this way, the gods, humans and animals should bear the severe afflictions with the mind and body without moving, with stillness, the ninth | image in this way - there are seven days and nights, in this, on the day of the parana of the fourth-part penance, one should do Ayambil and stay outside the village etc., and do everything else like the eighth, especially in this, there is so much that in this image, Utkat, i.e., only the thigh remains suspended in the middle on the basis of the head and ankles, or Lagud, i.e., like a crooked stick, only the back is the basis, the head and feet do not touch the ground in this way, or lying down with long legs like a staff | etc. to bear the afflictions. The tenth image is like this - the third, i.e., the tenth image is also the same as both of them, only in it there is Goduhasana (like when a cow is milked, both feet are placed on the ground and sit, in the same way) or | from Virasana, i.e., sitting on a throne, the feet are placed on the ground and later the throne is removed, the shape that is formed at that time, from that asana or sitting with the body curved like a mango tree. In any of these asanas, this | image can be adopted. || 134.
Asanas can be means of meditation, this is now explained by two verses.
| 461. Sukhasanasamaseenah, Sushlistaadharapallavah. Nasagranyastadrigdvando, Dantairdantanasansprusan || 135 ||
| | 462. Prasannavadanah Poorvaabhimukho Va'pyudanmukhah. Apramattaha Susansthano, Dhyata Dhyanodyato Bhavet || 136 || Meaning: - Remain seated in Sukhasana, both his lips should be joined, both eyes should be fixed on the tip of the nose, the teeth should not touch the teeth, the face should be pleasant, the face should be towards the east or north, without negligence