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## Ashrava Bhavana Swaroop - Eight Karma's Ashrava Hetu
**Yoga Shastra Chaturth Prakash Shlok 78**
**Amod-Promod Ka Swabhav:** The nature of amusement and enjoyment, the habit of watching games and entertainment, enticing another's mind, attracting others, etc.
**Aratinokashaya-Ashrava Hetu:** To break another's love (rati), to encourage bad (akushala) deeds, etc.
**Bhayanokshaya-Ashrava Hetu:** To be afraid oneself, to frighten and intimidate others, to create terror, to become cruel (nirday), to harass, to torment, etc.
**Shoknokshaya-Ashrava Hetu:** To grieve oneself, to make others grieve, to cry and lament being overwhelmed by sorrow, to be distressed, etc.
**Jugupsanokshaya-Ashrava Hetu:** To criticize the fourfold sangha, to use abusive language (avarnavad), to defame the sangha and sadhus, to insult, to have disgust and hatred for good conduct, dharma, and the virtuous, to spread hatred for them among others, to shake the faith of others, etc.
**Striveedanokashaya-Ashrava Hetu:** These are: jealousy, attachment to sensual pleasures, fainting, falsehood, excessive crookedness, to be pretentious (maya), to be attached to another's spouse, etc.
**Purushveedanokashaya-Ashrava Hetu:** To be content with one's own wife, a non-jealous attitude, mild kshaya, good conduct, etc.
**Napunsakveedanokashaya-Ashrava Hetu:** Desire for sexual intercourse with both men and women, intense kshaya, strong desire for sex, to be pretentious in observing vows, to break a woman's vow, etc.
**Charitramoneeniyakarma's General Ashrava Hetu:** To criticize sadhus, to become an opponent of dharma, to obstruct the practice of dharma, to be engrossed in alcohol and meat, to praise aviriti, to obstruct the observance of Shravak dharma, to praise those who are not virtuous, to point out flaws in character, to arouse (udirana) kshaya, nokshaya, or other passions, etc.
**Ayushyakarma's Ashrava Hetu:** To kill panchendriya beings, to have excessive beginnings (arambh), to possess great possessions (mahaparigrah), to eat meat, to repay kindness with unkindness, to always harbor animosity, to have a fierce mind (raudradhyan), to have kshaya associated with falsehood (mithyatvanubandhi), to have black, blue, and gray leshya, to lie, to steal another's property, to engage in sexual intercourse repeatedly, to keep the senses unrestrained, etc. are the causes of narakayu-ashrava. To preach the wrong path, to destroy the right path, to have foolishness in the mind, to have a sorrowful mind (artdhyan), to be full of pain (shalya), to be pretentious (maya), to be engrossed in beginnings and possessions (arambh-parigrah), to observe vows and conduct with excessive transgression, to have blue and gray leshya, to have the kshaya of non-rejection (apratyakhyanavaraneya), etc. are the causes of tiryanchay-ashrava.
**Alparambh, Alpaparigrah, Natural Gentleness (Namrata) Simplicity, Gray and Radiant Leshya, Attachment to Dharma Dhyan, Pratyakhyanikshaya, Moderate Results, Respectful, Worship of Devas and Gurus, Welcoming Guests with Sweet Words, Pleasant Speech, Moderate Behavior in the Journey of Life that can be understood easily, etc. are the causes of manushyayu-ashrava. And the causes of devayu-ashrava are:** Sragasanyam, Deshasanyam, Akamanirjara, to maintain contact with a benevolent friend, the nature of listening to and causing others to listen to dharma, to give charity to worthy recipients, tapas-shraddha, not to oppose the three jewels, the result of padmapitalleshya at the time of death, to perform tapas in childhood, the attitude of giving up life through means like fire, water, etc., to perform samayik silently (avyakt), etc.
**Namakarma's Ashrava Hetu:** Crookedness of mind, speech, and body, deception, use of maya, falsehood, gossip, a restless mind, to create fake gold, etc., to give false testimony, to speak otherwise (viprit) about the relationship of color, smell, taste, touch, etc., to cut off someone's limbs, to perform yantra-karma or to confine birds in cages, to keep false weights and measures (gaz and bant), to criticize others and praise oneself, to engage in violence, falsehood, theft, adultery, excessive beginnings, excessive possessions, to speak harsh and rude words, to be proud of wearing fine clothes, to speak nonsense, to be angry, to destroy good fortune (suhag), to use maran-mohan-ucchatan, etc., to cause trouble to others or to do it oneself, to play games and entertainment, to act like a clown, to humiliate or defame someone, to give ornaments to a prostitute, to set a house on fire, to steal incense (padarth) for devas, etc., to have intense kshaya, to destroy or desolate temples, shelters, or gardens, to be involved in the business of making or selling coal, etc. are the causes of ashubhnama karma-ashrava. The opposite of these (above mentioned) and detachment from the world, to abandon carelessness, to show goodwill, to adopt the virtues of forgiveness, etc., to be happy at the sight of virtuous people, to welcome them, etc. are the causes of shubhnama karma-ashrava. Devotion to Arihant, Siddha, Guru, Stavir, Bahushruta, Gachchha, Shrutagyan, Tapasvi, etc.